March 23, 2012
As many of my readers know, I love to fold and fly paper airplanes. I have been doing it my whole life. But a 45-foot (13.7 meter) long, 800-pound (363 Kg) paper airplane? That is a little excessive, even for me!
A few months ago, Arizona’s Pima Air and Space Museum sponsored a paper airplane flying contest for kids. Hundreds of kids came, and their enthusiasm inspired the aerospace engineers at the museum to launch the Great Paper Airplane Project!
Their project was completed on Wednesday, when a helicopter lifted the giant paper airplane high above the Arizona desert and then released it. The paper airplane flew at a speed of 98 miles (158 km) per hour. Now THAT is a paper airplane. I wish I had been there!
Photo: Joshua Lott / Reuters

Learn how to fold your own paper airplanes with Seymour Simon’s classic PAPER AIRPLANE BOOK.
Click here to download a free paper airplane pattern to print and fold!
Posted by: Seymour Simon