April 22, 2013
Have you ever created a "mood board"? A mood board is a collection of photographs, drawings, graphics, or other images that all work together to create a specific feeling - kind of like a collage.
You can make a mood board to demonstrate to people how you feel about Earth Day and why it is important.
Here is an example. This is my Earth Day mood board.
I made my mood board using Powerpoint, but you could also cut out photographs from magazines, paste them onto a piece of cardboard and take a photograph.
Would you or your class like to make an Earth Day mood board? We celebrate Earth Day for the entire month of April here, and I would love to see what you do. Click on "Upload a Photo/Video" in the yellow bar at the top of this page to send us a jpeg or other digital picture of your Earth Day mood board.
Posted by: Seymour Simon