February 4, 2011
We certainly have a lot of dog lovers at SeymourSimon.com! Last week we had a whole class take a poll and upload the results of their question about "kids’ favorite dogs." Today, Cassidy from Pennsylvania uploaded this photo. She wrote:
"This is a picture of a dog I saw online and want SOO bad! It’s so cute and I thought you would like it too because you write about animals and all KINDS of different interesting stories! Nice job Seymour! Keep it up."
This is a photograph of a Labrador retriever puppy….which interestingly is also the breed that came in number one in the class poll last week.
So what do YOU think? Are Labradors number one? Is there another breed of dog that you think is the absolute best? Click on COMMENTS (below), and let the world know about a dog that you love.
Posted by: Seymour Simon