July 12, 2011

Can you guess what this is a photograph of?






Photographer Kallerna took this shot of the sparks from a campfire in Anttoora, Finland. 

Have you ever built a campfire on a summer night and made S’mores? It’s easy. Here is what you need: 

  • Long branches with pointed ends (pick up dead branches – do not break live branches off of trees) 
  • Marshmallows 
  • Plain chocolate bar (get the thin kind that breaks up into squares) 
  • Graham crackers 

Put your marshmallow on the end of your stick and toast it over your campfire until it is brown and soft all over.

Then, make a “sandwich’ by stacking: 

  1. graham cracker square on the bottom
  2. square of chocolate
  3. toasted marshmallow 
  4. graham cracker square on the bottom 

When your sandwich is all assembled, push down gently on the top cracker (not too hard, or you’ll break it!) so that the hot marshmallow squeezes all over the chocolate and melts it. That is all there is to it! 

CAUTION: Many areas in North America are under drought conditions this summer. If it is dry with fire danger warnings where you live, do NOT build a campfire! And even if you are in an area where it is safe to have a fire, you should pour water on your fire at the end of the night and be sure that it is completely extinguished before you go to bed.

Posted by: Liz Nealon

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