December 17, 2011
I received a letter this week from a school librarian friend, Donna Smalley at Eagle Spring Elementary in Humble Texas. I still have very fond memories of all the kids I met in my visit there last year!

"Every year for the last 3 years, the library at Eagle Springs Elementary in Humble ISD hosts a food/toy drive for the animals at the Houston SPCA. The students and their families are so generous, and this year they donated over 400 pounds of food and treats for the animals!
In addition to these donations, Girl Scout Troop 9390 decided to make this effort their Community Service Project. They collected toys and food, but they did something else very special. Last Saturday, they baked over 100 homemade, fresh dog biscuit treats for the dogs. A spokesperson at the SPCA said the biscuits would be used to make friends with the new animals that come into the shelter during the holidays."
What a great story. Instead of just thinking about what they want to receive, these scouts thought about giving - and they remembered the animals. Way to go, girls!
This story also gives me a chance to remind everyone about the many animals that are given as gifts and then abandoned after the holidays. Don’t give an animal to someone unless you are certain that the family you are giving it to is willing and able to take care of it and be its family for life. An animal is not a toy, it is a living being that deserves to be cared for and loved.

For those of you receiving iPads or Nook Color/Tablets this season, Seymour Simon has many quality eBooks available for purchase, some discounted as much as 50% for the holidays. If you are adding reading material to a tablet, please consider making Seymour Simon’s exceptional nonfiction for children part of your collection. Happy holidays to all!
Posted by: Seymour Simon