April 22, 2011
Happy Earth Day to all my readers! Thank you to all who have written in to tell everyone what they are doing to help our environment. Your stories show that you know this is important, and that you are willing to do your part.
Take a moment today to enjoy the beauty of our Earth. Listen to the birds chrirping to each other overhead, marvel at all the trees leafing in the warmth of spring, look at the stars and drink in the cool, evening air. As far as we know, we are the only planet with life. Our planet is the home of billions upon billions of living things. We are the Planet of Life. Let’s celebrate our Planet; Let’s celebrate Earth Day.
Since many schools have been on spring vacation this week, we are going to continue to collect your writing for another week. Please click on the "comments" link at the bottom of any Earth Day story, and tell us how you are going to make a difference…..not just today, but every day. Then, next Friday, April 29, we are going to publish a special article here on the Seymour Science blog, with all of your Earth Day promises. So write in by clicking "comments" as soon as you can, and be included in our big list of Earth Day promises, for all the world to see!
Welcome aboard. I am proud to have you all as shipmates on our planet, Earth.
- Seymour Simon
Posted by: Seymour Simon