March 4, 2010
My sister, Miriam, went into a B&N bookstore in Boynton Beach, Fl, the other day and went to see the display of my books in the children’s book section. The salesperson saw her looking at the books and assured her that there was no such person as "Seymour Simon." She said that all the books were written by different people and "Seymour Simon" was just the name they used. Miriam sputtered indignantly and said, "Of course there’s a Seymour Simon! He’s my brother and he wrote all these books." The B&N salesperson was unconvinced. So let me assure her and everyone else reading my blog: I’m real, really really real. Lots of you reading this blog have met me in person either at your school or at reading conventions and other places. Anyone I know care to cast a voice in my behalf that I’m real???? Drop a note to my blog and I’ll post it!
Signed: The real Seymour Simon (honestly!)
Posted by: Seymour Simon