January 13, 2013
Thank you to everyone who entered the second MY AWESOME SCIENCE WORD contest. We enjoyed seeing the choices you made and reading your writing using those words. Nealy 100 students and classes entered this contest - that is a lot of excellent research and writing!

Are you ready? Here are the winners of Seymour Simon’s 2nd Awesome Science Word contest:
Individual Winner: Brandon/4th Grade, Penn Valley Elementary, Ms. Kochersperger’s class

Definition: Zircons are solid minerals that come in many different colors and can be transparent (see through) crystals used as gemstones.
Why you think it is awesome: I think the word zircon is awesome, not only because of how the word looks and sounds, but also because I like learning about different minerals found in the Earth.
Use the word in a sentence: Yesterday, my friends and I went to a cave full of crystals and my favorite one was a green, transparent zircon.
Classroom Winner: Mrs. Caron’s 2nd Grade Class, Oxford Valley Elementary School
Awesome Science Word: Dry IceDefinition: Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide that is -107 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.
Why you think it is awesome: Dry ice is interesting because it keeps food cold while it gets shipped to your house.
Use the word in a sentence: When a metal spoon touches dry ice, it makes a high-pitched, squeaky sound.
Both winners will receive a personally autographed copy of Seymour Simon’s SCIENCE DICTIONARY. Congratulations to everyone who entered!
Posted by: Seymour Simon