March 26, 2012
Earth Day is a topic that comes up often as I travel the country, speaking in schools to thousands of children. Our planet Earth is so big and the subject so vast, that you might think that kids are overwhelmed. "What does this mean to me?" Or, "Why should I bother about Earth Day?" you might think that kids wonder. You will be surprised at what they really do say.
In anticipation of Earth Day last year, I posted an invitation to kids on my blog. I wrote: "How are you contributing to the Billion Acts of Green? Tell us how you are celebrating Earth Day." And I promised to publish each child’s writing to inspire other readers to do the same.
We often get a dozen or so responses to one of my blog postings. But last year’s invitation to be a vocal participant and advocate on Earth Day drew almost 300 responses from around the country. Here are some of the promises made by elementary students who have specific strategies for making a difference.
"Our class is going green. We are recycling all our old papers."
"I ride my bike or the bus to school to keep the air cleaner by not using our car."
"My carbon footprint was 13.5 (not so good). To reduce my carbon footprint I will reduce, reuse and recycle."
"My brother and I go out and pick up all the litter that people throw in a creek near us. There are lots of fish and frogs so when we are finished I look back and feel great."
"I love trees and that’s why I don’t waste paper. I recycle and encourage others to care about our world like a mother would care for her newborn."
"I usually refuse to use plastic silverware and cups."
"I learned that it takes one step at a time and if we start now the Earth will get better sooner. If we don’t start…..who will?
I have a favorite Native American proverb that suggests why we, as adults, should take our lead from the children as we celebrate Earth Day:
Treat the Earth well.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our children.
Earth Day is April 22, 2012. I hope to get even more students involved in reusing, recycling, learning and writing about what they can do to help our Earth’s environment. Click here to find out how your students can participate!
Posted by: Seymour Simon