April 13, 2012
One of our regular "Writing Wednesday" authors is Will B., from Ohio.

This week Will sent us a link to his wiki, where he has made a poster called Promise Island. And he wrote with his Earth Day Promises:
1. I promise to recycle with my dad.
2. I promise to not run the water when I brush my teeth.
3. And I promise to sleep my computer when I am not using it to save electricity.
These are all excellent Earth Day promises, and good habits to practice year round. And thanks for the poster, Will - it illustrates what is happening all around the country. Lots of classes are making posters to inspire their classmates and people around them to reduce, reuse and recycle. Any one else who want to send photographs, we would love to see them!
Take a digital photo showing an Earth treasure around your school or home that makes you appreciate our planet. Click on Send Us Photos/Video (in the yellow bar at the top of every page) and follow the instructions to upload it to the website. We will publish your Earth Day photos and videos on Seymour’s blog, and each person or class that uploads a photo will be entered into the drawing to win a personally autographed book from Seymour Simon!
Posted by: Seymour Simon