Label: Digital Books
January 23, 2013
Gold Stars for Seymour’s Digital Books!
We are pleased to report that four - count them, 4! - of Seymour Simon’s eBooks received the QED seal of approval at the recent Digital Book World Conference.

Is it true that some cats have no fur? Can you really tell a dog by his noseprints? And what kind of animals are also known as hobs, jills and kits? Find out the answers to all this and more!

If you liked SILLY ZOO ANIMAL JOKES & RIDDLES, you’re sure to enjoy this book about one of Seymour’s favorite topics - SPACE MONSTERS!

Younger readers are sure to enjoy SEYMOUR SIMON’s ANIMAL ABCs, full of fascinating information about baby animals from A to Z.

And finally, the first book in Seymour Simon’s new series, A SHIPMATE’S GUIDE TO OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. "Like the passengers on a ship, all the humans, plants and animals of the world are traveling together, shipmates on this huge spaceship we call Earth."
The 2013 QED Seals were awarded at the recent Digital Book World Conference. The QED process consists of a 13-point checklist to ensure a high quality user experience. DBW considers the QED Seal, which stands for Quality, Excellence, Design, the "Good Housekeeping Seal of ApprovalTM" for ebooks and apps. To ensure that an ebook title submitted for a QED will render well on the device a reader chooses, it is reviewed on three devices: a small, mobile-sized screen, an eInk reader-sized screen, and a tablet-sized screen. The QED is judged on the criteria established on the recommendation of the Publishing Innovation Awards advisory council, who are respected leaders in the digital production and design space.
Congratulations, Seymour, on all this great recognition of your digital original books. All these books are available to purchase individually for Kindle Fire or Nook Color/Nook Tablet, but they are also part of the StarWalk Kids collection of digital books for kids K-8. If you haven’t yet checked out what we are doing, please come have a look today!
Posted by: Liz Nealon
December 17, 2010
Now you can see a preview of one of the original eBooks that you can download from Seymour’s new SCIENCE FUN TO GO app. At only $3.99, it’s fun and it builds early literacy skills for your favorite elementary schooler! CLICK HERE to view a sample of how the "Read to Me" functionality works for younger kids.
We’ve also heard rumors that there may be some price discounting before Christmas. Keep checking back here (or on the app itself) for details!
Posted by: Liz Nealon