Label: Hawk Cam

May 3, 2011



 Do you know the expression: a watched pot doesn’t boil? It means that when you are impatiently waiting for something natural to happen, you should chill out, relax and let nature take its course.



Have you been watching the Hawk Cam that we blogged about last week? We have, and it has been feeling kind of like waiting for that pot to boil. It is hard to be patient, because we are so eager to see these babies! 



I checked in today just as Violet rose to take a break, and was able to snap this very cool photo of the hawk eggs. I guess that confirms that they still have not hatched.

The babies are expected to be born in the next few days. If you want to watch and wait along with us, click on this video any time. It is not every day that you can observe something like this up close.

Posted by: Liz Nealon

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