Label: Puppies
May 30, 2012
Writing Wednesday: Why I Want a Puppy
Good morning, and welcome to Writing Wednesday, where every week there is a new opportunity to publish your creative writing on the Seymour Science blog. This week, we are asking you to read an excerpt from Seymour Simon’s book WHY DO PUPPIES DO THAT?, and then write a convincing letter about why you want to have a dog.

From WHY DO PUPPIES DO THAT?, by Seymour Simon

Getting a puppy is a big decision. Taking care of a puppy takes a lot of time and attention. When puppies grow into adult dogs they still need love and attention from their owners.
Puppies offer so much in return for your affection. They are great fun to play with and always are ready to be your companion. They can cheer you up when you feel sad or lonely. They have helpful barks that can let you know someone’s at the door, or even warn you of danger. Perhaps best of all, caring for a puppy teaches you the value of loving and being loved.
Your assignment: Do you agree that dogs are more than just pets, but friends too? Have you ever wanted a pet dog, but you are not allowed to have one? Write a letter to an adult asking them to get you a dog. Think about several reasons why dogs make great pets, and decide what kind of dog you would want. Be sure to give plenty of solid facts about dogs in order to make a great case for yourself. You might also want to explain how to care for a dog, and the responsibilities that come with being a dog owner. Who knows, maybe you will have a canine friend before you know it!
When you are finished writing, click on the yellow "Comments" at the bottom of this post to enter your writing!
Photo: Kai Chiang
Note to Educators: Today’s Writing Wednesday exercise is designed to use in support of CCSS standard W.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Posted by: Seymour Simon
March 21, 2011
More Cute Puppies
A reader named Sam uploaded this picture over the weekend, and asked some good questions about dogs. Here is what Sam wrote:

Hi, Mr. Simon,
I found this and I thought IT was the cutest thing ever! It reminds me of your book DOGS. My favorite book of yours is DOGS. How many types of dogs are there? What is the most dog bought? If you can answer these, you’ll be my life’s (favorite) answerer! Hope you like it! - Sam T.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) lists 185 official dog breeds. This does not account for the many mixed breeds (some people call them "mutts") that exist, and many of those are beloved companions and great pets.
As to which dog is the most popular, the AKC rankings of most popular dogs (determined by which breed is registered most often) has had the same number one for the past twenty years - Labrador Retrievers.
This puppy appears to be a toy breed - perhaps a Maltese, or a Shih Tzu. Anyone out there able to identify it?
Posted by: Seymour Simon