December 30, 2013
My #2 blog post of 2013 is all about a new mystery series that I published this year, EINSTEIN ANDERSON: SCIENCE GEEK.

I invented the Einstein character years ago when I was teaching middle school science. I used to try to stump my class with science puzzlers, and whoever could figure out the answer got to be "Einstein for the Day."

And that’s why this blog post is one of my very favorites of the year. I asked students to read part of an Einstein Anderson story and then tell me about Einstein and Paloma. What are their main characteristics? Are they like you….or different than you? Readers really responded with more than 50 pieces of writing. The description below, written by Michael from Wilton, Connecticut was one that I really loved.
Einstein is a really nice boy who has light brown hair and wears glasses. He really likes computers and bird watching. He does not have a lot of friends. Einstein is a deep thinker and really smart. He has one close friend, a girl, who likes a lot of the same things that he likes. Her name is Paloma.
Paloma has long dark hair which she keeps in a pony tail. Both Einstein and Paloma both like wearing blue jeans. They both like bird watching and computers. Paloma does not have any other friends. Einstein and Paloma both like sports but would rather spend quiet time bird watching.
Einstein and I share a lot in common. We are both athletic, but quiet at the same time. We like to use computers and have a close friend that shares a lot of the same interests. I don’t like bird watching but I do have special interests just like Einstein. We both worry about our friend and think about a lot of things that many people may not understand. That special friend in our lives makes us feel really good and makes us feel special.
Posted by: Seymour Simon