January 20, 2011
Reader Mary Spezzano sent a note this week to tell us how excited she and her boys are that Lily the Black Bear is due to give birth again very soon (probably within the next week). "Everyone is excited, nervous and eager to see how it will all play out since Hope (1 year old cub from last year) is in the den with her," Mary writes. "This will be a rare glimpse into a mixed age litter!!!!!" Mary and her sons Patrick, Sean and James are watching Lily and Hope on a webcam placed in their den by biologist Lynn Rogers of the Wildlife Research Institute near Ely, Minnesota.
Although Dr. Rogers’ intention was to conduct a long-term, scientific study of black bear ecology and behavior, he also ended up creating ursine Internet celebrities! More than 25,000 viewers watched live as Lily gave birth to her cub, Hope, last January. Hearts melted as Hope’s tiny paw reached out to touch Lily’s nose just after the birth.
Click here to watch the bears live on the webcam, and while you are on the website you can also read notes from Lynn Rogers, the biologist. In yesterday’s post he described what is likely to happen when the cubs are born. "With birth(s) about to happen, there are so many things to think about. What to look for? Likely 1-3 cubs, each about ¾ pound and 9 inches long, covered with sparse fur and looking light-colored because of their white skin. They will have little sucking mouths with no teeth. Is there room in the den? The den is 5-6 feet long. The cubs will mostly be under Lily. They are too small to take up much room."
To learn more about bears and this bear research visit the North American Bear Center and read Dr. Rogers’ blog on the Wildlife Research Institute page.
Posted by: Liz Nealon