September 4, 2012
Good morning, and welcome back to a new school year on! The Tuesday after Labor Day always feels like the beginning of the school year to me (reminding me of the many years that I was a teacher). So happy new term to all kids and teachers.

I spent the last day of my summer vacation at the Columbia County (New York) Fair. Many of the kids who live on farms in the county belong to 4H, and we loved seeing them exhibiting their animals, as well as their artwork and other projects. How did you spend the last days of your summer vacation?
Now that you are back in school, we look forward to hearing from our regular readers again, as well as getting to know new Seymour Science users this year. For those of you who are just joining us, here is what you can expect to find every week on
Monday: Science News
Tuesdays: Cool Photo of the Week
Wednesdays: Writing Wednesday, where you have a chance to write and publish your work on my website.
Thursdays: SeeMore Explorers. This is a new feature for this school year. There is nature all around us, and every Thursday we will track down a new discovery, record what we are looking at, and use what we know to try to identify what we are seeing. We started doing these SeeMore Explorations over the summer. Click here to see an example.
Friday: A new Science Joke or Riddle
And of course, there is also my online Science Dictionary, where you can browse for as long as you like, exploring cool science information. We also love to publish your photographs, videos and writing - so please click on "Send Us Photos/Video" in the yellow bar at the top of every page to share your great science stuff.
Welcome back to an exciting new school year. I look forward to sharing it with you.
- Seymour
Posted by: Seymour Simon