January 20, 2012
Seymour Simon’s bestselling WHY DO PUPPIES DO THAT? has just been added to the Winter Blowout Sale, marked down from the list price of $4.99 to just $1.99! This original Seymour Simon eBook explores questions that kids love to know about, like "why do puppies tilt their heads in such a cute way?" and "why do puppies bark and yip?"

This book is on the exclusive list of only 78 eBooks (children’s and adult) published in 2011 to win the QED (Quality-Excellence-Design) Award from Digital Book World.
Here’s what North Caroline Fifth Grade teacher Jeff Barger wrote about WHY DO PUPPIES DO THAT? on his NC Teacher Stuff blog:
Accessing this on an iPad would be very easy for a preschooler to accomplish. Paw prints serve as the page turns and there is a menu at the bottom so you can go to any page. The photographs will engage beginning readers and prompt them to continue turning the pages. Why Do Puppies Do That? would be a good primer for a child that is about to receive a puppy. After reading this, you could ask children to list the positive and challenging parts of owning a puppy or talk about the character traits of a good dog owner. Why Do Puppies Do That? would also be an excellent resource for showing children how you don’t need to start at the beginning of an informational text. You can show all the pages on the screen and just pick one section. This is an e-book that will be read several times by a young dog lover.
(click here to read Jeff’s entire review)
This award-winning eBook is currently 60% off, and the sale continues for another week. If you haven’t yet tried a Seymour Simon eBook, this could be the one!
Posted by: Liz Nealon