Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/11 at 11:00 AM


On Earth Day, our school sells baby trees and I always make sure I buy one. Also, my family recycles plastic and uses energy saving lights. I usually refuse to use plastic silverware and cups. I beg my parents not to buy them because they ruin our planet. I am happy they bought water bottles you can reuse!!! They are better because you can use them over and over and over again for years, and also, they keep drinks MUCH colder!!!! I didn’t realize how much I help out our earth! Thanks for listening grin

Posted by Sydney  on  04/26  at  01:05 PM

I have noticed that most of the cutest animals are endangered. So if everyone wants to keep them then they shouldn’t litter, cut down trees (because they could live in there) and not pollute the ocean, air, and ground

Posted by Olivia  on  05/13  at  09:19 AM
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