Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/17 at 04:04 AM


What I do for Earth Day and all year round is use less electricity by playing outside and no video games or computer for the whole day, maybe a little time on the computer or playing video games. What my family and I do is recycle plastic bottles and glass bottles.

Posted by Noah  on  04/26  at  05:05 AM

At home I collect and recycle bottles, plastic bags and paper. every time we go to the super market we use the bags to recycle items ( paper, plastic, bottles and cans). When teenagers drive past our lawn and throw trash out the window we go pick it up and or recycle it or throw it in the trash cans.

Posted by sean  on  04/26  at  05:06 AM

At home I collect bottles and cans that are left in front of my house.  There were lots of cans and bottles on my lawn so I collected all of the cans. And when I go to the super market I use the bags for stuff so I that dont throw away. I use them for things I need to carry stuff in and I dont even throw them out when there ripped. I recycle items like ( paper, plastc, bottles, and cans)  we pick up any trash we see.  rolleyes

Posted by drew  on  04/26  at  05:11 AM

Me and my mom grow our own food like fruits and vegetables maybe i could start a garden at my dad’s too and that is how I will help the earth

Posted by amber  on  04/26  at  06:04 AM

Everyday I recycle and have a lot of plants outside. When I walk my dog, I pick up trash, just to make the earth a little bit cleaner. My family and I recycle anything that we can possibly recycle. My mom, dad and I all use reusable water bottles. In the summer I water all the plants and in the winter and when it’s cold out, my grandpa does it. This is what I do to help the earth on Earth Day and any other day! Thanks for reading this!  smile  tongue laugh

Posted by Jordyn  on  04/26  at  06:08 AM
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