Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/28 at 12:58 AM


Thats really cool. smile

Posted by Mikayla C.  on  08/29  at  01:09 PM

Yes, tell Alana to keep em coming!

Posted by Tricia Cavan  on  08/30  at  05:35 AM

Great work Alana!  Thank you for all of your hard work.

Posted by Claudia  on  08/31  at  07:58 PM

Thank you for the encourgement everyone. You guys are great… smile I can’t wait to write my next blog…

Alana smile

“Science Rules”

Posted by Alana G  on  09/01  at  01:16 PM

Wow, Alana you are an amazing young girl!  And your writing is wonderful!  It is so great to see a young kid taking action and learning about the environment.  By doing this your peers will soon catch on and you will truly change the world.  Keep up the great work!

Posted by Cardiologist  on  01/06  at  06:08 PM
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