Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/01 at 12:40 AM


Didn’t see the answer, but is it because the Earth is 90% water?

Posted by Brian B  on  05/02  at  09:29 AM

I think that the Earth and Moon are both very alike in some ways! I also think that for Mr.Simon to write this book was very helpful for kids my age. I also think that reading this little article help imporve my knowledge on those two important things The Earth and The Moon. I would like to thank Mr.Simon for also visiting my school today. He visited P.S.90 today for B.E.A.R. That means Be Excited About Reading. And I am excited about reading because of Seymour Simon! Thank You once again! P.S. this is for the message on top saying leave smileys! ☺☺ I ¢¾¢¾ reading non-fiction and Seymour’s books help me even more even though I am not very good at reading I learn alot from Seymour’s books! I am sure you would too!!

Thierry H.
New York

Posted by Thierry H.  on  06/08  at  12:33 PM

Reading this article was very fun!! Well did you know all the facts that were in here? Well I didn I only knew some of them. I think that Seymour is very interesting becuase he writes very fun facts for kids my age. I think even Mr.Seymour would enjoy this book. I also think so becuase he loves all his books. I would like to thank him for visiting my school on 6-6-12 for B.E.A.R. That means Be Excited About Reading. And I am very excited about reading about Mr. Seymour’s fun filled books. Do you enjoy reading articles by this awarded author? Well I do!!!! I love reading it helps me learn a lot.

Nyasa H.
New York

Posted by Nyasa H.  on  06/10  at  04:08 AM
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