Watching the hawks was cool, but I think I watched the wrong video. It was sort of boring at parts. I watched the May 3 one and it was a little more interesting. Anyway, the baby hawks should be named Lavender, Bob, and Red. It seems sort of weird but Bob is for Bobby, Lavender and Red are for Violet!
Once when I was looking for Easter eggs I found a Robins nest in some bushes in my front yard. The eggs were light blue with brown speckles. They were really cute. I never got to see them hatch, though. Once I rescued a baby bird! I took care of it for a couple days and took her (a.k.a. Chirpie) outside almost every time I could. She was a robin, too. She flew away one day when I took her outside. I love baby birds! But be careful, if you get to close to a nest, the birds will smell you and never come back. Bye!!
Posted by Claire on 05/03 at 11:04 AM
a baby hippo is a calf
Posted by Reza on 05/04 at 10:21 AM
A baby hippo is called a calf.
I go Thunder Hill Elementary School.
Posted by Katie on 05/04 at 11:48 AM
The students and staff at Pointers Run Elementary loved the visit by Seymour Simon yesterday. I enjoyed hearing all of the positive feedback as I walked the halls this morning. They are eager to check out the new books.
Posted by Ms. Browning on 05/06 at 08:30 AM
Posted by Claire on 05/06 at 12:02 PM
Sorry that it isn’t on topic but do you know any extra information on spotted hyenas? If you do, please tell me.
Posted by Olivia on 05/11 at 05:21 AM
Hi, Olivia. I can’t do your homework for you, but I can help you get started on a search. Go to Google and type “spotted hyenas kids” in the SEARCH box. That will give you a list of sites (like National Geographic Kids and Encyclopedia Brittanica Kids) with information that is written specifically for students your age. Good luck!
Posted by Seymour Simon on 05/11 at 05:40 AM
Thanks Mr. Simon!! I have a school project and I’m doing a spotted hyena for it. Do you know how I can get great pictures for it? I know I can go on Google images but sometimes I don’t get the right pictures for the topics.
Posted by Olivia on 05/13 at 01:48 AM
When you do the search I suggested to you (above), you will find many good pictures on trusted sites like National Geographic Kids and Animal Planet. Right-click on any image that you want to save and chose “Save image as” from the menu.
As long as you give credit (where you found it and the photographer’s name), it is ok to download and use these kind of images in a school report.
Posted by Seymour Simon on 05/13 at 03:21 AM
Thank you, Mr. Simon!!!!!
Posted by Olivia on 05/13 at 03:01 PM
A calf.
Posted by Aleen on 02/06 at 02:07 PM
Hi seymour a baby hippo is called a calf i go to village elementary school i entered your contest last year and i won.this year i wanted to enter again so i wanted to ask if it was okay to enter 2 years in a row
Posted by Reza on 02/07 at 12:15 PM
Hello, Reza. I remember you from last year, and I know that you have continued to read my blog and comment. I am glad that you are a loyal Seymour Science reader!
And yes, it is perfectly fine for you to enter again this year. Thank you for asking. Good luck!
Posted by Seymour Simon on 02/07 at 12:20 PM
A baby hippo is called a calf!!!
Posted by Sarah on 02/09 at 01:40 PM
The name of a baby hippo is called a calf(same name a baby cow is called) Menands School
Posted by Harini on 03/07 at 01:10 PM
cumulus status and cirrus are the tree types of clouds. on a fair sunny day you will ,mostly see cumulus clouds. you will see them because as the air gets warmer molecules move faster making cumulus clouds.
Posted by sydney on 03/08 at 04:06 PM
Watching the hawks was cool, but I think I watched the wrong video. It was sort of boring at parts. I watched the May 3 one and it was a little more interesting. Anyway, the baby hawks should be named Lavender, Bob, and Red. It seems sort of weird but Bob is for Bobby, Lavender and Red are for Violet!
Once when I was looking for Easter eggs I found a Robins nest in some bushes in my front yard. The eggs were light blue with brown speckles. They were really cute. I never got to see them hatch, though. Once I rescued a baby bird! I took care of it for a couple days and took her (a.k.a. Chirpie) outside almost every time I could. She was a robin, too. She flew away one day when I took her outside. I love baby birds! But be careful, if you get to close to a nest, the birds will smell you and never come back. Bye!!
A baby hippo is called a calf.
I go Thunder Hill Elementary School.
The students and staff at Pointers Run Elementary loved the visit by Seymour Simon yesterday. I enjoyed hearing all of the positive feedback as I walked the halls this morning. They are eager to check out the new books.
Calf (\_/)
Sorry that it isn’t on topic but do you know any extra information on spotted hyenas? If you do, please tell me.
Hi, Olivia. I can’t do your homework for you, but I can help you get started on a search. Go to Google and type “spotted hyenas kids” in the SEARCH box. That will give you a list of sites (like National Geographic Kids and Encyclopedia Brittanica Kids) with information that is written specifically for students your age. Good luck!
Thanks Mr. Simon!! I have a school project and I’m doing a spotted hyena for it. Do you know how I can get great pictures for it? I know I can go on Google images but sometimes I don’t get the right pictures for the topics.
When you do the search I suggested to you (above), you will find many good pictures on trusted sites like National Geographic Kids and Animal Planet. Right-click on any image that you want to save and chose “Save image as” from the menu.
As long as you give credit (where you found it and the photographer’s name), it is ok to download and use these kind of images in a school report.
Thank you, Mr. Simon!!!!!
A calf.
Hi seymour a baby hippo is called a calf i go to village elementary school i entered your contest last year and i won.this year i wanted to enter again so i wanted to ask if it was okay to enter 2 years in a row
Hello, Reza. I remember you from last year, and I know that you have continued to read my blog and comment. I am glad that you are a loyal Seymour Science reader!
And yes, it is perfectly fine for you to enter again this year. Thank you for asking. Good luck!
A baby hippo is called a calf!!!
cumulus status and cirrus are the tree types of clouds. on a fair sunny day you will ,mostly see cumulus clouds. you will see them because as the air gets warmer molecules move faster making cumulus clouds.