I know some ‘girls’ are scared of spiders and bugs and creepy crawlys but really they help us. Well most bugs do like spiders, I love spiders they help keep flys away from us and bad bugs too! Please write a book about spiders mabye.
Posted by Erik on 02/09 at 06:15 AM
Hi, Erik. You are absolutely right about all the good that many “bugs” do - in fact, we don’t clean up our garden too much in the fall, so that spiders and insects can live through the winter in the leaves and stalks.
I actually have two books about spiders. One is called SPIDERS (clever title, huh?) and the other is called ANIMALS NOBODY LOVES. If you type the name of either of the books in the “Search” box at the top of this page and hit “GO,” you can find more information about the books. They both have Teacher Guides, too - maybe your teacher would like to use them in the classroom and let everybody get into bugs!
Posted by Seymour Simon on 02/09 at 07:25 AM
I know some ‘girls’ are scared of spiders and bugs and creepy crawlys but really they help us. Well most bugs do like spiders, I love spiders they help keep flys away from us and bad bugs too! Please write a book about spiders mabye.
Hi, Erik. You are absolutely right about all the good that many “bugs” do - in fact, we don’t clean up our garden too much in the fall, so that spiders and insects can live through the winter in the leaves and stalks.
I actually have two books about spiders. One is called SPIDERS (clever title, huh?) and the other is called ANIMALS NOBODY LOVES. If you type the name of either of the books in the “Search” box at the top of this page and hit “GO,” you can find more information about the books. They both have Teacher Guides, too - maybe your teacher would like to use them in the classroom and let everybody get into bugs!