Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/30 at 02:49 AM


I have a pet. Her name is Sophie Watson. My Dad named her that because she has sparkly green eyes that glitter in the day or night. It is kind of creepy. But I love her so much and she will cuddle with you. Just like any cat, she loves her treats. One time, she was dehydrated and had to go to the vet office for fluids. She was scared and she scared us because we thought she might die. Thankfully, she didn’t. We have to feed her wet cat food so she won’t get dehydrated anymore.


Posted by AJ  on  11/20  at  06:55 AM

I like how the photo is so clear and the cats are so cool looking. Where did you find the photo? Also is that your own cat? Did you take the photo?


Posted by Clifford  on  02/19  at  05:43 PM

OMG how cute i love cats and totaly love cheetahs

Posted by Hannah, 3B Franklin school  on  03/07  at  11:39 AM
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