Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/15 at 05:21 AM


Great job on the butterfly garden!

We’re having the opposite problem….we NEED rain!  We had our first rainy day yesterday in several months!  It wasn’t a drought-buster, but we definitely appreciated it.

My butterfly plants are doing well, but we haven’t had any butterflies visiting.  I have been wondering if our lack of rain is causing this….  I guess I’ll wait and see if any butterflies show up now.

Posted by Alissa Gonzalez  on  06/23  at  06:29 AM

insect a is a moth because,
1 a moth has feathery anntenie ‘s
2a moth is not as brite as butterfly.
Inset b is a butterfly because
1 a butterfly has dark colors
2 hard intains

Posted by Alycia  on  11/30  at  05:33 AM

a moth is nota butterfly at all, it is an insect.


Posted by alonzo  on  06/16  at  07:23 AM
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