Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/12 at 04:23 AM


Chameleons camaflouge all the time.In fact,they camaflouge to protect themselves from predators.In additon,they can camaflouge themselves into many different colors and scenes.Thus,chameleons camaflouge into different colors. smile

New York

Posted by Anay  on  06/13  at  02:56 PM

hi seymour i like your books thank you for writing them


Posted by Sandra  on  06/15  at  09:41 AM

Chameleons can blend into their surroundings. Chameleons can change colors when their
Predators are around.


Posted by Sophia  on  06/22  at  06:36 PM

I hate this


Posted by Alyssa R.  on  08/01  at  10:53 AM

This is very cool! Do you have any more pictures of lizards such as a gecko? I hear they have tiny suction cups on their feet!

Rachel Ardeel
Children’s Museum/Indianapolis

Posted by Rachel Ardeel  on  12/08  at  08:32 AM

Hi, Rachel.

In fact, there is a blog post about the gecko - click here to view:

Geckos don’t really have suction cups on their feet, but millions of tiny hairs that help them grip the surface. I think you’l like the photos, too!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  12/08  at  12:43 PM
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