Posted by megan on 12/10 at 07:33 AM
1) it is a thick wall used across a river to stop the water and use it.
2) The word “dam” is awesome because there are so many things that it does for the earth.
3) THE dam is stopping the water.
Posted by Jacob on 12/10 at 09:44 AM
Hawk’s Class Eleanor Roosevelt
Pain is the feeling you get when you are hurt. Either by yourself or by another person.
We like the word pain because the entire class has felt it before.
I was in pain when I fell off the swings at recess.
Posted by Hawk's Class on 12/10 at 10:14 AM
Olivia Quarry Hill Elementry
It is a plant that adapted or surives in very dry areas like the desert and it loses very little water.
This word is awesome because I like the way it sounds and I am interested in plants.
Xerophyte is a plant that can survive in a desert.
Posted by Olivia on 12/10 at 12:03 PM
Higgs boson
A higgs boson is a kind of particle
It’s awesome because it may or may not exist
The higgs boson was discovered in 2012, but predicted in the 1960’s
Posted by Jake G. Afton Elementary School on 12/10 at 12:07 PM
Anders Pesti Quarry Hill (Hi guys :D)
1. A eclipse is when the Moon’s shadow crosses over onto the Earth’s making the Earth’s light dissapear? (No sun!)
2. Imagine if the world went dark and there was stars out during lunchtime? Also you can go outside and because it’s not nighttime you can play games in the dark without needing to go to bed! And it’s simply.. Amazing!
3. WHile I was outside with my friends a exclipse occured. We were amazed and looked at the sky with delight..
Posted by Anders on 12/10 at 03:38 PM
A land covered in sand or rocks with an ocean, river or lake.
The beach is awesome because you can relax, play in the ocean, make sandcastles, collect shells, and more!
I go to the beach to boogyboard, swim and have fun with my family!
Posted by Sydney on 12/11 at 04:45 AM
Thomas Miss Lember Eleanor Roosevelt
A astronaut is a person that rides in a rocket up to moon or stay in the space station for a length of time. Astronaut is also a part of history with Russia and America.
I picked astronaut because astronauts are a big part of history because they have to make the space ship and plan where they’re going to land.
I want to be a astronaut so that i’ll make history!
Posted by Thomas on 12/11 at 04:47 AM
Magnetism is a force of nature that attracts certain types of metal by using the magnetic poles.(north & south)
Magnetism is awesome because it’s like magic.:o
Magnetism attracts iron,steel,nickel,and cobalt :p
Posted by AJ on 12/11 at 04:47 AM
David Miss Lember Eleanor Roosevelt
A volcano is a grass is full of lava others planets has least 8 volcano. There is 500 volcanos in the world. A volcano can be active and extict and dormant.
Lava is vented by lava and ashes.A volcano is made out of earth crust.
I picked the volcano because it’s a grass full lava and there is 500 volcanos in the earth.
I studied volcanoes in my science class!
Posted by David on 12/11 at 04:49 AM
A monkey is a long tailed animal called a primate.
This animal is awesome because monkeys are cool animals to study
Posted by Maya on 12/11 at 04:49 AM
1. Soap is a type of liquid that keeps you safe from getting sick!
2. Soap is awesome because you feel clean after you use it!
3. When I take a shower my favorite type of soap to use is Dove soap!
Posted by Rachel and Mary on 12/11 at 04:49 AM
Dwarf Planets
A Dwarf Planet is a not a planet because it’s not a sphere. A Dwarf Planet is usally super cold.
Dwarf Planets are awesome beacause they are different!
These are some of the Dwarf Planets I know: Pluto, Ceres, and Eris.
Posted by Riley on 12/11 at 05:04 AM
1. a rainbow is a curve or an ark of colors also known as the ROYGIBV. An easy way to remember the rainbow os RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, INDIGO, BLUE, VOILET.
2. rainbows are amazing because the colors aren’t to bright and it’s beautiful to watch in a wonderful landscape
3. Amelia was walking home from school.She saw a beautiful rainbow!
Posted by Julia on 12/11 at 05:05 AM
Definition: Uranus is one of the planets in our solar system
Why we think Uranus is awesome: We think Uranus is awesome because it is the only planet tilted 98 degrees.
Sentence: Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun.
Posted by Isabella, Sarah on 12/11 at 05:12 AM
Everything is made of Atoms. Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons.[ATOM comes from the Greek word meaning can not be divided.]
Atoms are awesome because they’re so small and there are so many things in them and there is so many kinds of atoms.
There are thousands of atoms in every thing you see
Posted by Nathan on 12/11 at 05:16 AM
DEFINITION: We recycle by putting plastic bottles,paper,scrap metals and other things in the recycling bin. They take it and make it new again.
WHY IT IS AWESOME: Because you don’t have to waste paper and you will save the trees from dying.
SENTENCE: I should recycle because it is good to do for the trees.
Posted by Reilly on 12/11 at 05:23 AM
Xanthin means the coloring on a flower that makes it yellow.
Xanthin is awesome because if you did not have xanthin, there would be no coloring in flowers and flowers would be boring. With xanthin, life is awesome!
I saw an amazing yellow flower, and the color was so viberent because of its xanthin.

Peter Mrs. Northrup Makefield
Posted by Peter on 12/12 at 05:45 AM
Technology is a group of electricty and wires combined
I love technology because of all the things it can do such as playing video games, which I really like. 
Our family has lots of technology flowing through our house! 
Andrew Mrs. Northrup Makefield Elementary
Posted by Andrew on 12/12 at 05:46 AM
Ryan C. Makefield Elementary School
If I jump off a plane, I will need a parachute.
I picked the word parachute because it is a very safe object. It’s very safe because If you skydive and don’t have it, your drop will hurt.
Posted by Ryan on 12/12 at 05:47 AM
The eye helps you see. It is located in your head below the forehead.
The word “eye” is awesome because if you didn’t have eyes you would not be able to see!
That is why I like the word eye.
The eye is the most important organ in your head.
Makefield Elementary School
Posted by Kelsey on 12/12 at 05:48 AM
Earth is a large ball floating around in a large black space that never ends, the solar sytsem, or more specific, the milky way. Though its not just any ball, its the one everyone in the intire world inhabits. But it really is a giant water ball. So the person who named it must have been wack naming it earth, when most of it is water.
I believe earth is awesome beacause one thing its in JUST the right spot. Meaning if it moved any closer to the sun all of the water would evaperate. but if we went any farther from the sun all the water would freeze. so lucky us. its also really cool because we could possibly be the ONLY ones living in the milky way. so we dont have to fret about aliens attacking.
Guess what? Earth is a ball! You would think that we would fall of the Earth but no, gravity keeps us on! 
Makefield Elementary
Posted by Patrick on 12/12 at 05:50 AM
Smog is a mix of chemicals, smoke, and fog.
Smog is awesome because it is a mix of a lot of things together.
Oh no! I am in a cloud of smog!
Posted by Gustavs on 12/12 at 05:51 AM
A force that pushes material like magnets and static electricity
It is awesome because it pushes material it’s like magic.
Magnitisum could be attracted. 
Makefield Elementry
Posted by Tomas on 12/12 at 05:52 AM
Quasars are distant things in space that are tinier than galaxies and they can sometimes be in the same conversation with black holes. They can also send off radio waves and even a blueish light!
I think quasars are awesome because they’re not very well known by kids. Sometimes the stuff under the surface is the best 
Did you know that quasars can give thousands and thousands more energy than galaxies?
Julie Mrs. Northrup Makefield
Posted by Julie on 12/12 at 05:52 AM
Megan Sendlock Eleanor Roosevelt
A snowflake is a crystal that falls when it is very cold.
The word snowflake is awesome because it deals with snow.
I like to go out with all my winter clothes and see the white winter snow and, catch snowflakes that come down very fast or very slow.
1) it is a thick wall used across a river to stop the water and use it.
2) The word “dam” is awesome because there are so many things that it does for the earth.
3) THE dam is stopping the water.
Hawk’s Class Eleanor Roosevelt
Pain is the feeling you get when you are hurt. Either by yourself or by another person.
We like the word pain because the entire class has felt it before.
I was in pain when I fell off the swings at recess.
Olivia Quarry Hill Elementry
It is a plant that adapted or surives in very dry areas like the desert and it loses very little water.
This word is awesome because I like the way it sounds and I am interested in plants.
Xerophyte is a plant that can survive in a desert.
Higgs boson
A higgs boson is a kind of particle
It’s awesome because it may or may not exist
The higgs boson was discovered in 2012, but predicted in the 1960’s
Anders Pesti Quarry Hill (Hi guys :D)
1. A eclipse is when the Moon’s shadow crosses over onto the Earth’s making the Earth’s light dissapear? (No sun!)
2. Imagine if the world went dark and there was stars out during lunchtime? Also you can go outside and because it’s not nighttime you can play games in the dark without needing to go to bed! And it’s simply.. Amazing!
3. WHile I was outside with my friends a exclipse occured. We were amazed and looked at the sky with delight..
A land covered in sand or rocks with an ocean, river or lake.
The beach is awesome because you can relax, play in the ocean, make sandcastles, collect shells, and more!
I go to the beach to boogyboard, swim and have fun with my family!
Thomas Miss Lember Eleanor Roosevelt
A astronaut is a person that rides in a rocket up to moon or stay in the space station for a length of time. Astronaut is also a part of history with Russia and America.
I picked astronaut because astronauts are a big part of history because they have to make the space ship and plan where they’re going to land.
I want to be a astronaut so that i’ll make history!
Magnetism is a force of nature that attracts certain types of metal by using the magnetic poles.(north & south)
Magnetism is awesome because it’s like magic.:o
Magnetism attracts iron,steel,nickel,and cobalt :p
David Miss Lember Eleanor Roosevelt
A volcano is a grass is full of lava others planets has least 8 volcano. There is 500 volcanos in the world. A volcano can be active and extict and dormant.
Lava is vented by lava and ashes.A volcano is made out of earth crust.
I picked the volcano because it’s a grass full lava and there is 500 volcanos in the earth.
I studied volcanoes in my science class!
A monkey is a long tailed animal called a primate.
This animal is awesome because monkeys are cool animals to study
1. Soap is a type of liquid that keeps you safe from getting sick!
2. Soap is awesome because you feel clean after you use it!
3. When I take a shower my favorite type of soap to use is Dove soap!
Dwarf Planets
A Dwarf Planet is a not a planet because it’s not a sphere. A Dwarf Planet is usally super cold.
Dwarf Planets are awesome beacause they are different!
These are some of the Dwarf Planets I know: Pluto, Ceres, and Eris.
1. a rainbow is a curve or an ark of colors also known as the ROYGIBV. An easy way to remember the rainbow os RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, INDIGO, BLUE, VOILET.
2. rainbows are amazing because the colors aren’t to bright and it’s beautiful to watch in a wonderful landscape
3. Amelia was walking home from school.She saw a beautiful rainbow!
Definition: Uranus is one of the planets in our solar system
Why we think Uranus is awesome: We think Uranus is awesome because it is the only planet tilted 98 degrees.
Sentence: Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun.
Everything is made of Atoms. Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons.[ATOM comes from the Greek word meaning can not be divided.]
Atoms are awesome because they’re so small and there are so many things in them and there is so many kinds of atoms.
There are thousands of atoms in every thing you see
DEFINITION: We recycle by putting plastic bottles,paper,scrap metals and other things in the recycling bin. They take it and make it new again.
WHY IT IS AWESOME: Because you don’t have to waste paper and you will save the trees from dying.
SENTENCE: I should recycle because it is good to do for the trees.
Xanthin means the coloring on a flower that makes it yellow.
Xanthin is awesome because if you did not have xanthin, there would be no coloring in flowers and flowers would be boring. With xanthin, life is awesome!
I saw an amazing yellow flower, and the color was so viberent because of its xanthin.

Peter Mrs. Northrup Makefield
Technology is a group of electricty and wires combined
I love technology because of all the things it can do such as playing video games, which I really like.
Our family has lots of technology flowing through our house!
Andrew Mrs. Northrup Makefield Elementary
Ryan C. Makefield Elementary School
If I jump off a plane, I will need a parachute.
I picked the word parachute because it is a very safe object. It’s very safe because If you skydive and don’t have it, your drop will hurt.
The eye helps you see. It is located in your head below the forehead.
The word “eye” is awesome because if you didn’t have eyes you would not be able to see!
That is why I like the word eye.
The eye is the most important organ in your head.
Makefield Elementary School
Earth is a large ball floating around in a large black space that never ends, the solar sytsem, or more specific, the milky way. Though its not just any ball, its the one everyone in the intire world inhabits. But it really is a giant water ball. So the person who named it must have been wack naming it earth, when most of it is water.
I believe earth is awesome beacause one thing its in JUST the right spot. Meaning if it moved any closer to the sun all of the water would evaperate. but if we went any farther from the sun all the water would freeze. so lucky us. its also really cool because we could possibly be the ONLY ones living in the milky way. so we dont have to fret about aliens attacking.
Guess what? Earth is a ball! You would think that we would fall of the Earth but no, gravity keeps us on!
Makefield Elementary
Smog is a mix of chemicals, smoke, and fog.
Smog is awesome because it is a mix of a lot of things together.
Oh no! I am in a cloud of smog!
A force that pushes material like magnets and static electricity
It is awesome because it pushes material it’s like magic.
Magnitisum could be attracted.
Makefield Elementry
Quasars are distant things in space that are tinier than galaxies and they can sometimes be in the same conversation with black holes. They can also send off radio waves and even a blueish light!
I think quasars are awesome because they’re not very well known by kids. Sometimes the stuff under the surface is the best
Did you know that quasars can give thousands and thousands more energy than galaxies?
Julie Mrs. Northrup Makefield