Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/23 at 03:29 AM


insect A : moth

1.there wings are staright out.

2.antennae is feathery.

insect B Butterfly
1the antennae are like golf club heads.

2they are more brighter than a moth.

Posted by justin 4m  on  12/01  at  05:08 AM

insect a butterfly
1. because the moth has feathery antennae and the butterfly has nobs.
2. because it is colorful and it’s bright.
Insect B moth
1. because it’s dark like a black shirt
2. it’s antennae is all feathery like fur.

Posted by dylan 4m  on  12/01  at  05:08 AM

insect a:moth has feathery antennae’s not very colorful
insect b:butterfly’s very colorful has club like antennae

Posted by James 4m  on  12/01  at  05:18 AM

Insect A: Moth
1.The color is not very bright.
2.The antennae are feathery not club-like antennae.
Insect B: Butterfly
1. The color is very bright.
2. The antennae are club-like

Posted by Jessica 4M  on  12/01  at  05:20 AM

Insect A:moth
1.not very bright colors
2.feathery antennae
Insect B:butterfly
1.bright colors
2.swollen tip on the antennae

Posted by julia4M  on  12/01  at  05:22 AM

Insect A:Moth
1.The colors are duller than Insect B.
2.The antennae are feathery.
Insect B:Butterfly
1.The colors are on the bright side.
2.The antennae are club-like and swollen on the end.

Posted by Makenna 4M  on  12/01  at  05:23 AM

Insect A moth
1.cube like antennae
2.usually active at night and is attracted to light
Insect B butterfly
1.usually bright colors
2.usually active during day

Posted by Noah  on  12/01  at  05:30 AM

Insect A: moth
1. usually less bright than butterflies
2.wing open and folded over its back while resting
Insect B: Butterfly
1. usually active during the day
2.wings erect and held together while resting

Posted by Zac 5Co  on  12/01  at  06:21 AM

Insect A: Moth
1The antennae is feathery
2The wings are down while resting
3The colors are more dull
Insect B: Butterfly
1The antennae is club-like
2The wings are up and erect while resting
3The colors are very bright

Posted by Kavya 5-Co  on  12/01  at  06:24 AM

Insect A: Moth
1.The Moth has usually less bright colors than butterflies do

2.The moth’s wings open and fold over its back while resting, looking like the train of a wedding gown

Insect B: Butterfly
1.The butterfly has more color than a moth does

2.The butterflies wings erect and are held together while they are sleeping

Posted by Megan 5-Co  on  12/01  at  06:26 AM

Insect A : Moth
1. This insect is a rusty kind of color and moths’ colors are usually duller than Butterfly’s
2. Moths usually come out at night and in the backround it looks like the evening

Insect B : Butterfly
1. This insect has bright colors. A butterfly’s colors are usually brighter than a moth.
2. The insect’s Antennae is swollen at the tip and a butterfly’s is usually like that. A moth has strait, feathery kind of antennae.  grin

Posted by Sydney 5-co  on  12/01  at  06:27 AM

Insect A:Moth
1.There wings are usually dull colors. Example:Peach
2.There wings are usually folded over its back when it is resting.

Insect B: Butterfly
1.Butterflies are usually bright colors. Example:Yellow,Red,Orange
2.Butterflies wings are held together when they are resting.

Posted by Isabella 5-Co  on  12/01  at  06:27 AM

a moth
1 a moth has feathery antennae
2 there wings are open and folded over it’s back while resting looking like the train of a wedding gown

b butterfly
1 wings erect and held together while resting
2 antennae like a swollen tip

Posted by melody 5-co  on  12/01  at  06:28 AM

Insect a is a moth.
1 because in the back round it is dark.
2 moths usually are duller than a butterfly.

Insect b is a butterfly.
1 antennae are swollen.
2 usually active during day. cool smile

Posted by Lucas 5co  on  12/01  at  06:28 AM

Insect A is a moth:
1. it looks feathery
2.Usually active at night (and attracted to light)
3.protected by a cocoon or pupate on the ground

  Insect B is a butterfly:
because… is colorful
2.Wings erect and held together while resting
3.Usually active during the day
4.Pupate as an unprotected chrysalis hanging from a branch or other support

Posted by robert  on  12/01  at  06:28 AM

insect a   is a butterfly because it isnt furry and its antennae are strait up


insect b     is a moth because it is furry   and its antennae are pointed sideways raspberry

Posted by sebastian  on  12/01  at  06:29 AM

insect :A moth
1 first I think it’s a moth because it’s wings are open when it’s resting

2 second it looks like it’s night which is when they fly

3 third it’s not very colorful so it can’t be a butterfly

4 forth it’s antennae are feathery

insect : B butter fly

1 first it looks like it’s day

2 second it’s wings are closed

3 third it’s more colorful then insect A

4 forth it’s antennae have a ball at the end of it

Posted by thomas 5-co  on  12/01  at  06:29 AM

Insect A: moth
1. It’s a moth because it’s antennae are feathery.
2. It’s a moth because it’s wings are open and folded over it’s back in a moth’s resting position.

Insect B: butterfly
1. It’s a butterfly because it has antennae are club-like with a swollen tip.
2. It’s a butterfly because it’s wings are erect and held together while resting.


Posted by Allison 5co  on  12/01  at  06:30 AM

insect A: MOTH

1. insect A has feathery antennae
2. insect A has its front wings are resting side to side
3. it’s colors are dull hmmm

insect B: Butterfly

1. it’s antennae is club liked
2. its wings are closed

Posted by Cole 5-CO  on  12/01  at  06:30 AM

A is a moth because it is smaller.a moth is not as colerful. B is a butterfly because it is bigger than a moth. A butterfly is colorful

Posted by Brynn  on  12/01  at  02:32 PM

INSECT   A   is a moth because when moths rest they rest with their wings sideways not strait up.

INSECT B     is a butterfly because its wings are strait up when they rest not sideways.

Posted by sebastian  on  12/01  at  03:29 PM

insect a is a moth because it is smaller than insect b.and because it is not colorful than insect b.insect b is a butterfly because it is bigger than insect a.and it is also more colorful than insect a.

Posted by abby  on  12/01  at  03:31 PM

INSECT     A     is a baby butterfly(monarch)because the coat of new skin is still on it


INSECT     B is a moth because its eyes are bigger and its biggggg

Posted by sebastian  on  12/01  at  03:50 PM

Insect A is a Moth: colors aren’t as bright and the wings are flat and the antennas are more feathery.
Insect B is a Butterfly: colors are bright and the wings are up and the antennas have little balls on the ends wink

Posted by Carrie  on  12/01  at  07:27 PM

butterflies have darker skin insect B.
butterflies have their anntenas sticking up.
moths look like leafs when disquised insect A.
you can’t see the moth’s eye.

Posted by Vincent  on  12/02  at  01:53 AM
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