Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/23 at 03:29 AM


Insect A: moth
It has gray colors as a gray donkey
It has a smaller antennae

Insect B:butterfly
It has brighter colors
It has larger antennae

Posted by Ritwik  on  12/02  at  02:27 AM

insect a is a moth because it has duller colors than the butterfly and its antennae sticks out at the side.
and insect b is a butterfly because it has bright colors and it’s antennae stick up and have balls at the end of them. smile
-Johanna h. hillside school niskayuna new york 12309 united states, america planet earth solar system milky way galaxy universe

Posted by Johanna h.  on  12/02  at  03:34 AM

A butterfly is colorful and stays out in the morning . It also drinks pollin out of a flower. The population is more then a moth. A moth stays out at night and is atracted to light and it dies mostly oftin because a lot of insects eat them. Some moths are colorful but most are not.

Posted by Debbie  on  12/02  at  05:58 AM

insect a is awake in the day and I think it is bigger than insect b. Insect b is awake at night and I think it is smaller than insect a.    Luke Z Hillside Elemantary

Posted by Luke Z  on  12/02  at  06:03 AM

A is the moth. And b is the butterfly. Moth’s wings are dull.    Butterfly’s wings are much colorful. Brown has more color. Gray has not much color.

Posted by Anna  on  12/02  at  06:06 AM

A mouth is smaller than a butterfly

Posted by Maria  on  12/02  at  06:09 AM

A moth is smaller then a butterfly . Some moths are colorful. A butterfly is made of many colors. And sizes.

Posted by Lucinda  on  12/02  at  06:10 AM

We think the moth is A because its wing color is a dull color and its antennas are feathery. It keeps its wings spread.
We think the butterfly is B because its wings are a bright color and its antennas are knobbed. And it keeps its wings vertically.

Posted by McMahon's First Grade  on  12/02  at  06:32 AM

a is a moth because of the wings and b is a butterfly because the wings
hillside school emma k. 5-n

Posted by emma k. 5-n  on  12/02  at  06:43 AM

b is a butterfly because there are bulbs on the antenanes and fur on the antenanes plus when the butterflys wings are up

Posted by braden 5 n  on  12/02  at  06:43 AM

the two pictures are both moths

Posted by Cora  on  12/02  at  06:44 AM

a is a moth because its wings are smaller and lay flatter
b is a butterfly because its wings are bigger and stick up
Emma K. Hillside School 5-N

Posted by Emma K.  on  12/02  at  06:45 AM

the A is a moth.
The B is a butterfly

Posted by Cooper  on  12/02  at  06:45 AM

The two pictures are… The first picture is a moth. The second picture is a butterfly.

Posted by Amelia 5-N  on  12/02  at  06:46 AM

Butterflies are more colorful then moths :0)

Posted by Danielle D.  on  12/02  at  06:47 AM

When a butterfly is not flying and it is resting, it has it’s wings together, but a moth keeps it’s wings apart. A butterfly has colorful colors, but a moth has dull colors. A butterfly has furry antennae with little bulbs at the end where as a moth doesn’t have furry antennae or have bulbs at the top.

Posted by sydni  on  12/02  at  06:47 AM

Butterflies have their wings strait wings when not moving and moths have flat wings when not moving.

Posted by Sydney  on  12/02  at  06:48 AM

A is a moth because its wings are spread apart when its resting.
B is a butterfly because its wings are up when its resting.

Posted by Vlad 5-N  on  12/02  at  06:48 AM

A) Is a moth because it’s wings are laying flat and the butterflies wings are straight up. Also because butterflies have knob like things at the end of their anttanae when the moth have straight anttanae. Also butterflies are much more colorful and have brighter colors.
          Megan L. Hillside School smile

Posted by Megan L.  on  12/02  at  06:50 AM

insect A is a moth because it is resting with it’s wings down and it is a dull color. insect B is a butterfly because it has bright colors and it is resting with it’s wings up.- Alyssa H. Hillside

Posted by Alyssa H.  on  12/02  at  06:51 AM

insect a is a moth and insect b is a butterfly i know that because butterflies are more colorful and when they rest their wings point up moths wings go flat when they rest

Posted by Sarah 5-N  on  12/02  at  06:53 AM

When a moth is resting its wings are flat.  When a butterfly is resting its wings are pointed up.  Also butterflies are more colorful, they have bright colors where as a moth is a dull grayish color.  Lastly butterflies antennae have balls at the end.  Insect A is a moth and Insect B is a butterfly.

Madeline 5N
Hillside Elementary

Posted by Madeline 5N  on  12/02  at  06:57 AM

Figure A is a moth because its wings are laying flat and their smaller and the antennae are pointing sideways and don’t have balls at the end unlike butterflies

Figure B is a butterfly because it’s antennae and wings are both sticking up and it has brighter colors like red and orange, that is, not in the picture. In the picture its yellowish

  Anthony 5-N Hillside Elementary School
  Planet Earth
  Milky way galaxy
  The Universe

Posted by Anthony 5-N  on  12/02  at  06:58 AM

I know the differens between a butterfly and moth because moths are a gray or brown colored wings when a butterfly has bright colored wings. Also a buttrefly comes out at night and a m oth comes out at night! when a moth is resting it’s wings are down and when a butterfly is resting it’s wings are up. Also a butter fly’s anttenas have aball at the end when a moth dos not!

Posted by Lexie 5N  on  12/02  at  07:03 AM

Insect A is a moth.  We know this because it his feathery antennae, and wings that fold back, and it has dull colors. Insect B is a butterfly.  We know this is a buttterfly because the wings fold up, and it has round bulbs on the end of its antennae, and it has brighter colors.

Miss Mathews Kindergarten Class
Hillside School

Posted by Miss Mathews Kindergarten Class  on  12/02  at  07:47 AM
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