Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/23 at 03:29 AM


Butterflies   have lite colors and are seen in the day . moths have gray or other dark colors and are mostly seen in the evening. so a is a moth b is a butterflies . smile
    My name is Jasmine I go to hillside

Posted by Jasmine  on  11/29  at  05:35 AM

a moth is a b is a butterfly it is a butterfly because its bright colored and a moth is dull colored:)  hillside school sarah

Posted by sarah  on  11/29  at  05:36 AM

I think it is a moth

Posted by peter  on  11/29  at  06:41 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,
            I think both of the pictures are moths

Posted by George  on  11/29  at  06:43 AM

insect a is a moth,because:
it is less colorful and its antennae are saw edged .
Insect b Is a butterfly, because it is more colorful and its antennae have bulbs at the end!!!!!!!!!



Posted by Jordan  on  11/29  at  06:47 AM

Insect B is a butterfly. I could tell because it was bigger and had brighter colors. Insect A was a moth because it was smaller and had duller colors.

Posted by Gabriel  on  11/29  at  06:47 AM

insect A is a moth it has sharper antennae insect B is a butterfly because it has ball antennae

Posted by meaghan  on  11/29  at  06:48 AM

incect a is a moth because it is lite colored , insect b is a buterflie because it is brite clored

Posted by kevin  on  11/29  at  06:49 AM

I think that answer A is a moth, because it’s not so colorful and it’s wings are closer together. I think answer B is a butterfly because it is very colorful and it’s wings are seperated.

See you soon at Hillside Elementary School!!!!!!
-Ceci :D

Posted by Cecilia :)  on  11/29  at  06:49 AM

I think that insect a is a moth and insect b is a butterfly

Posted by chris  on  11/29  at  06:50 AM

I think that answer A is a moth because it has a duller body color and is smaller.I think B is a butterfly because you can see more color on it and it is larger.

Jenna hillside school!!!!!!!!

Posted by Jenna  on  11/29  at  06:51 AM

I think insect A is a moth and insect B is a butterfly. I think insect A is a moth because it has a drab color unlike butterflies and the way the wings look. Insect B is a butterfly (I think) because the way the wings are shaped and the body. The body is very furry like a butterfly.
Thank you!

Posted by Kristina H.  on  11/29  at  06:52 AM

My answer is moth because they are the two insects in the picture.They are moths because they have furry wings.They also don’t have exotic colors like a butterfly.

Julia,a student from hillside

Posted by julia  on  11/29  at  06:53 AM

my answer is a because moths are ussally a dim color and they dont lay a lot of eggs like butterflys from monica

Posted by monica  on  11/29  at  06:54 AM

insect a is a moth because it has dull color and insect b is a butterfly because it has bright colors

a student from Hillside school

Posted by Brooke  on  11/29  at  06:59 AM

1. Insect A-moth
  Insect B-butterfly

2. Insect A-does not have dots at end of antennae
  Insect A-dull colored
  Insect B-has dots at end of antennae
  Insect B-brightly colored

3. Saumya Hillside Elementary School

Posted by Saumya  on  11/29  at  07:05 AM

Butterfly:  Insect B
1.  The butterfly’s wings are pointing straight up.
2.  The antennae have balls on the top. 
3.  The antennae are straight up.
4.  The background looks like daytime and butterflies are active in the daytime.
5.  The butterfly looks like its on a plant so maybe it’s looking for nectar.

Moth:  Insect A
1.  The wings are laying flat.
2.  The antennae are out to the side.
3.  The background looks gray like nighttime and moths are active at night.
4.  The moth is less brightly colored.

Posted by Mrs. Guest's Class  on  11/29  at  07:50 AM

1.  Insect A is a moth.  Insect B is a Butterfly.

2. We know this because the butterfly is bigger, and it has a bulb at the end of the antennae, and it has brighter colors on it’s wings.  The moth is smaller, has feathery antennae, and it’s colors are dull.

Posted by Mrs. Rogers Kindergarten Class  on  11/29  at  07:53 AM

One way is to look at there antennae moths have feathery antennae.Another way is moths have doll colored wings.

Posted by Craig  on  11/29  at  08:14 AM

One way to look at it is moths have dull colored wings.
Another way to look at it is moths have feathery antennae. So insect A is a moth and insect B is a butterfly.

Posted by Sean  on  11/29  at  08:15 AM

I think they are moths because moths are white and a little gray. And have different wings. Butterflies are colorful and that there wings stick up. And moths are furry.

Posted by Grayce W.  on  11/29  at  08:15 AM

insect letter b is a butterflys because that is only one that is colerful and the moth is not.the butterfly has a lnger antena

Posted by emmaf.  on  11/29  at  08:15 AM

I think that insect A is the moth because… 1. Moths do not have very bright colored wings.
2. Moth’s wings are a little bit furry.

Posted by Grace K.  on  11/29  at  08:16 AM

1.I think insect B is a butterfly because butterfly is butteful than the moth.2. Moth is not butteful than the butterfly.

Posted by Ali T.  on  11/29  at  08:16 AM

I think insectB is a butterfly because butterflies land with there wings up. and moths have scaly wings.

Posted by Jack c.  on  11/29  at  08:17 AM
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