Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/23 at 03:29 AM


inseck:A moth
1. a moth is not as colorful as a butterfly

inseck:b butterfly
1.they are usually during the day

Posted by Chris 3H  on  11/30  at  04:00 AM

moth A:
1.  Not that much color as the butterfly.
2. furry antennaes

butterfly B.
1. Butterflys have lots of colors
2.antennaes club like

Posted by Ana 3h  on  11/30  at  04:01 AM

insect A:Moth
1.the wings are sideways
insect B: butterfly
becauset the wings are up and down

Posted by Alise 3H  on  11/30  at  04:01 AM

moth A              
               has a little darker body is protected by a cocoon

butterfly B.
Butterfly have lots of colors

Posted by Sophia 3h  on  11/30  at  04:02 AM

Insect A
1. Usually bright colors
2.Wings erect and held together while resting.

Insect B
1.Active at night
2.Protected by a cocoon or pupate underground or on

Posted by Katie 3H  on  11/30  at  04:06 AM

inset B. Butterfly
1:butterfly is not nocturnal but moth are.
2.wing are up on a butterfly.
1:wing are down on a moth
2:inset A:moth atens are
on the side

Posted by Dylan 3H  on  11/30  at  04:07 AM

I know a moth is   A because   a moth     is               not   as   colerful   as   a   butterfly.

Posted by Rebecca 3-k  on  11/30  at  04:24 AM

insect A is a moth and insect B is the butterfly because moths have a more dull color. and butterflies have bigger wings smile

Posted by Leo O  on  11/30  at  04:26 AM

picture 2 is a butterfly because moths are usually light brown. LOL  raspberry

Posted by Colby G.  on  11/30  at  04:29 AM

Insect A is a moth because its colors are duller than Insect A’s and Insect B is a Monarch Butterfly.

Posted by Tommy  on  11/30  at  04:30 AM

B is a butterfly because it’s wings are up and his wings are colorful grin

Posted by Etienne  on  11/30  at  04:36 AM

B is the moth because it is the one that looks like dead leaf and is hairy

Posted by Emma  on  11/30  at  04:37 AM

insect a because it has white wings   and butter flys have corlful wings:)

Posted by Erin  on  11/30  at  04:37 AM

A is a moth because a moth is smaller than a butterfly and It is not as colorful.

Posted by Brynn  on  11/30  at  04:38 AM

insect a
1:Is active at night and attracted to light
2:with a frenulum brictles or spins on each hindwing

insect B
1:Is active during the day
2:wing erect and held together while resting

Posted by Ethan  on  11/30  at  05:11 AM

Insect A: moth
1. Moths rest with their wings open.
2. They do not have a club on their antennae.

Insect B. Butterfly
1. They rest with their wings closed.
2. they have a little club on their antennae

Posted by Alexandra L. 4-V  on  11/30  at  05:20 AM

Insect A:
Is a moth because it is gray.
2.It looks furry
Insect B:Is a butterfly
1. colorful
2. because its not fuzzy

Posted by Brenna  on  11/30  at  05:27 AM

insect a: moth
1. floppy wings
2. head shorter

insect b; BUTTERFLY
1.tall wings
2. brighter collors

Posted by ALEX S  on  11/30  at  05:28 AM

insect a: moth
1because moths are less colored
2 because their wings are kind of flat

insect b: butterfly
3 because their wings are very bright
4 because the antennae is going straight up instead of out to the side

Posted by Roman  on  11/30  at  05:29 AM

1wings are kept strait up like an arrow when resting
2 antennae are club like and feathery
insect b MOTH
1wings are open while it is resting
2 antennae are round and feathery

Posted by Lillie  on  11/30  at  05:29 AM

Insect A.-moth
1.It is resting-wings open
2.not colorful-gray
3.non swollen antenna
Insect B.-butterfly
2.non swollen antenna
3.resting-wings closed

Posted by Elijah T.  on  11/30  at  05:29 AM

Insect A:Moth
1.Moths don’t have as bright colors as a butterfly.
2.The antennae are feathery.

Insect B:butterfly
1.Butterflies have really, really bright colors.
2.Butterflies antennae are club like with a swollen tip.

Posted by Evan  on  11/30  at  05:30 AM

Insect A: moth
1. Colors are too pale
2. It’s antennae is feathery

Insect B: butterfly
1. Colors are brighter
2.It’s antennae are like clubs with swollen ends

Posted by Samuel  on  11/30  at  05:31 AM

Insect A is a moth.  We know this because it has duller colors and it’s antennae are like leaves.  Insect B is a butterfly.  We know this because it’s wings fold up and it has brighter colors and the antennae knobs.

Hillside School- Mrs. Rafferty’s 2nd grade class

Posted by Mrs. Rafferty's 2nd grade class  on  11/30  at  05:52 AM

insect A:moth
1.It looks like a leaf.
2.It is not colorful.

insect B:butterfly
1.It is colorful.
2.It is black not white.

Posted by Connor 3H  on  11/30  at  06:11 AM
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