the three animals are a clown fish, mollusk, and a sea snake
Posted by Emily B :) on 05/30 at 04:38 AM
Anemone’s, Crabs, Snapper
Posted by ANDREW S on 05/30 at 04:39 AM
sea anneminie
Posted by Rorri (: on 05/30 at 04:39 AM
crustacea,giant clam,sea urchins
Posted by Jacob R., 5th grdae Mr. Kuftiak on 05/30 at 04:42 AM
coral, fish, sea snake.
Posted by Trenten T, 5th Mr. Kuftiak on 05/30 at 04:43 AM
Lots of animals live in the coral reef, including jellyfish, octopuses, and seahorses. Jellyfish have poisonous tentacles. The California octopus is only 1 cm long. Seahorses have armored plates on their bodies.
Posted by Mrs. Russo's PM K on 05/30 at 06:21 AM
Many different animals live in the coral reef. The Galapagos Shark eats fish, squid, and octopus. The pufferfish can puff up to twice its size when it feels threatened. The sea star (starfish) is not actually a fish. There are over 2,000 types of sea stars worldwide.These are all creatures that live in the coral reef.
Posted by Mr. Johnson's class on 05/30 at 07:20 AM
1. coral looks like a plant but is an animal
2. sharks have sharp teeth
3. lobster eyes are on stalks
Benny, 6 years old. Mrs Russo’s kindergarten class
Posted by Benny on 05/30 at 07:49 AM
The coral reef is home to many animals, such as clownfish, the Galapagos Shark, and the pufferfish. Clownfish are immune to poison from the anemone. The Galapagos Shark can grow up to 12 feet. The pufferfish swims at half its speed when it’s puffed up.
Posted by Mrs. Dunham's class on 05/30 at 08:06 AM
Clownfish: they are immune to the shock of anemone.
Sea turtles: they eat plants growing in the reefs.
Octopus: they nibble down to the corals exoskeleton.
Posted by Bryan 5A on 05/30 at 09:40 AM
Tons of animals live in the ocean. Lots live on coral reefs.
The sea turtle is one of the many animals that live on a coral reef. The sea turtles live on coral reefs for a number of reasons, like it provides protection by providing camiflage. The coral reef provides camiflage, which means when animals like shrimp and jellyfish come by the sea turtle can eat them. The last reason sea turtles live on coral reefs is sea turtles prefer grass beds and baby sea turtles like living away from shore. These are some reasons sea turtles live on coral reefs.
Another animal that lives on coral reefs is the clown fish. The clown fish lives on coral reefs for many reasons like coral reefs are near sea anemones, so if a predatar comes the clown fish can hide in the sea anemone. If a predator tries to come in it can get hurt because sea anemones are poisonous to other fish. Another reason is the clown fish can eat without being seen so it doesn’t have to take risks to eat. The last reason is the coral reef provides camiflage for the clown fish. That’s another animal that lives on coral reefs.
The last animal I’m going to share with you is the sponge. The sponge lives on coral reefs because it provides camiflage, so if a tiny fish comes it can eat it. Another reason is the coral reef makes the sponge look bigger so when a predator comes it can scare it away. That’s why sponges live on coral reefs.
Those are three animals that live on coral reefs.
Posted by Brandon W, Mr. Brown's 4th grade on 05/30 at 10:10 AM
Flamboyant Cuttlefish
I think the flamboyant cuttlefish is a very fascinating animal because it can change its skin texture to look like something else and confuse its prey. It can change its skin color with chromatophores fast or slow depending on what it needs. Sometimes it will camouflage to hide or use bright color patterns to scare predators or hypnotizes its prey. Changing its colors is called metachrosis. It can catch its prey lightening fast with its two front tentacles.
Bigfin Reef Sqiud
The bigfin reef squid looks like a cuttlefish because their rippled fin covers the whole length of its body. Other squid fins cover about one quarter of their bodies. Many people eat bigfin reef squid. Their camouflage is a light pale colors. Scientists like to study the large nerve fibers of bigfin reef squid. I like the bigfin reef squid because of the way it swims with its big cuttlefish like fin and its arms that stay together because it looks like a dart. I first learned about bigfin reef squid from my wii game, Go Vacation.
Warty Frogfish
The warty frogfish is a type of anglerfish that lives in the coral reef. It disguises itself by changing it’s color, using chromataphores to look like coral. Its bumpy skin gives the texture of coral. The warty frog fish is an anglerfish because it uses a lure that is attached to its head to attract prey. The prey thinks the the lure is a worm or food. The warty frog fish eats small fish and crustaceans. The warty frogfish can swallow prey almost as big as itself. The warty frogfish and the flamboyant cuttlefish are similar because it looks like they walk on legs. The flamboyant cuttlefish uses two of its arms and the frogfish uses fins to help it walk. Both of these ocean creatures also can change the color of their skin.
Posted by Steven on 05/30 at 11:29 AM
Pufferfish: Pufferfish puff up when they are scared. Pufferfish do not swim well.
Lemon Shark: Lemon sharks are yellow. Lemon sharks eat fish.
Starfish: Starfish lay on the sea floor and they lay on coral reef.
(Shayne, K, 5yrs old, Mrs. Russo)
Posted by Shayne, K, 5yrs old, Mrs. Russo on 05/30 at 01:04 PM
Dear Skano Elementary Kids,
I am so pleased to see the exciting research and writing that you have done here - especially the kindergarteners! Good for you, doing all this writing about coral reefs! I am proud of you, and looking forward to meeting you all later today.
Seymour Simon
Posted by Seymour Simon on 05/31 at 02:59 AM
Three animals that live in coral reefs are Coral, Jellyfish, and Sharks.
Posted by David R on 05/31 at 08:08 AM
three animals that live in a coral reef are jellyfish,shraks,and pufferfish
Posted by Brandon S on 05/31 at 08:09 AM
there are many animals that live in a coral reef. lobsters live in a coral reef, lobsters have six legs. the lobsters claws are actually it’s front legs. coral lives in a coral reef. coral is a plant that sometimes looks like a rock. clownfish (Nemo) lives in a coral reef. clownfish attract things for the anemone to eat. the anemone keeps the clownfish safe. they act like a team. sea turtles live in coral reefs. sea turtles are not that fast on land, but in the water they are fast. female sea turtles lay they’re eggs on the beach about a hundred feet from the water. great white sharks live in a coral reef. they are very dangerous, they’re sharp teeth can tear fishes skin off easy peasy.
Christopher mr. Johnson’s class, 2nd grade
Posted by christopher on 05/31 at 10:07 AM
There are three amazing animals that live in coral reefs. One of the three animals is the black tip reef shark. These animals have a black tip on their top fin. Coral reefs help them in one way. That one way is that they pounce on their prey to dine on them. Another animal is scorpion fish. These fish also hide in the coral reefs. These fish blend in with coral reefs so they can eat their prey. Sea snakes is the third animal. These animals hide from their predators in coral reefs. Well coral reefs are truly amazing creatures of the ocean. Even though Seymour Simon wrote 300 books this is my favorite.
Posted by Madelyn 4th grade farquharson on 05/31 at 10:13 AM
The first thing that i found that live in coral reefs are Blue Tang. They are in oceans from Brazil to New York. It can be 10 1/2 inches long.
There are also 27 species of clown fish. They live in the pacific ocean, red sea and Indian Ocean. Finally there is the coral, but coral is not a plant it is a living thing, and coral is usually in a group.
Posted by Ciara - 3rd Grade- Mrs. Redgrave on 05/31 at 10:29 AM
coral reefs are very fasinating!!!when coral reefs are formed they dont go over the depth of a 100 ft.corral reefs dont go under the tempature of 72 degF. animals that live in corral reefs are Tiger sharks,clown fish,blow fish,starfish,clams,snails and crabs.
Posted by Kalin on 05/31 at 11:20 AM
Most of the world’s Barracudus are found in the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in and around coral reafs. The great Barracudus are usuly found in temperatures betwean 74F and 82F but have been found in much cooler water. Great Barracudus are vicious fish. Dolfins hunt in groups up to a dozen. In the wild dolfins eat squid, srimp, eels, and voriteas of fish. The lion fish is also known as the turky fish. The lion fish have brown and white stripes.
Posted by Daniel on 05/31 at 01:41 PM
Most of the world’s Barracudus are found in the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in and around coral reafs. The great Barracudus are usuly found in temperatures betwean 74F and 82F but have been found in much cooler water. Great Barracudas are vicious fish.
Dolfins hunt in groups up to a dozen. In the wild dolfins eat squid, scrimp, eels, and voritieas of fish.
The lion fish is also kjnown as the turky fish. The lion fish have brown and white stripes.
Daniel, 2nd Grade, Ms. O’Brien, Skano
Posted by Daniel, 2nd Grade, Ms. O'Brien, Skano on 05/31 at 02:22 PM
the three animals are a clown fish, mollusk, and a sea snake
Anemone’s, Crabs, Snapper
sea anneminie
crustacea,giant clam,sea urchins
coral, fish, sea snake.
Lots of animals live in the coral reef, including jellyfish, octopuses, and seahorses. Jellyfish have poisonous tentacles. The California octopus is only 1 cm long. Seahorses have armored plates on their bodies.
Many different animals live in the coral reef. The Galapagos Shark eats fish, squid, and octopus. The pufferfish can puff up to twice its size when it feels threatened. The sea star (starfish) is not actually a fish. There are over 2,000 types of sea stars worldwide.These are all creatures that live in the coral reef.
1. coral looks like a plant but is an animal
2. sharks have sharp teeth
3. lobster eyes are on stalks
Benny, 6 years old. Mrs Russo’s kindergarten class
The coral reef is home to many animals, such as clownfish, the Galapagos Shark, and the pufferfish. Clownfish are immune to poison from the anemone. The Galapagos Shark can grow up to 12 feet. The pufferfish swims at half its speed when it’s puffed up.
Clownfish: they are immune to the shock of anemone.
Sea turtles: they eat plants growing in the reefs.
Octopus: they nibble down to the corals exoskeleton.
Tons of animals live in the ocean. Lots live on coral reefs.
The sea turtle is one of the many animals that live on a coral reef. The sea turtles live on coral reefs for a number of reasons, like it provides protection by providing camiflage. The coral reef provides camiflage, which means when animals like shrimp and jellyfish come by the sea turtle can eat them. The last reason sea turtles live on coral reefs is sea turtles prefer grass beds and baby sea turtles like living away from shore. These are some reasons sea turtles live on coral reefs.
Another animal that lives on coral reefs is the clown fish. The clown fish lives on coral reefs for many reasons like coral reefs are near sea anemones, so if a predatar comes the clown fish can hide in the sea anemone. If a predator tries to come in it can get hurt because sea anemones are poisonous to other fish. Another reason is the clown fish can eat without being seen so it doesn’t have to take risks to eat. The last reason is the coral reef provides camiflage for the clown fish. That’s another animal that lives on coral reefs.
The last animal I’m going to share with you is the sponge. The sponge lives on coral reefs because it provides camiflage, so if a tiny fish comes it can eat it. Another reason is the coral reef makes the sponge look bigger so when a predator comes it can scare it away. That’s why sponges live on coral reefs.
Those are three animals that live on coral reefs.
Flamboyant Cuttlefish
I think the flamboyant cuttlefish is a very fascinating animal because it can change its skin texture to look like something else and confuse its prey. It can change its skin color with chromatophores fast or slow depending on what it needs. Sometimes it will camouflage to hide or use bright color patterns to scare predators or hypnotizes its prey. Changing its colors is called metachrosis. It can catch its prey lightening fast with its two front tentacles.
Bigfin Reef Sqiud
The bigfin reef squid looks like a cuttlefish because their rippled fin covers the whole length of its body. Other squid fins cover about one quarter of their bodies. Many people eat bigfin reef squid. Their camouflage is a light pale colors. Scientists like to study the large nerve fibers of bigfin reef squid. I like the bigfin reef squid because of the way it swims with its big cuttlefish like fin and its arms that stay together because it looks like a dart. I first learned about bigfin reef squid from my wii game, Go Vacation.
Warty Frogfish
The warty frogfish is a type of anglerfish that lives in the coral reef. It disguises itself by changing it’s color, using chromataphores to look like coral. Its bumpy skin gives the texture of coral. The warty frog fish is an anglerfish because it uses a lure that is attached to its head to attract prey. The prey thinks the the lure is a worm or food. The warty frog fish eats small fish and crustaceans. The warty frogfish can swallow prey almost as big as itself. The warty frogfish and the flamboyant cuttlefish are similar because it looks like they walk on legs. The flamboyant cuttlefish uses two of its arms and the frogfish uses fins to help it walk. Both of these ocean creatures also can change the color of their skin.
Pufferfish: Pufferfish puff up when they are scared. Pufferfish do not swim well.
Lemon Shark: Lemon sharks are yellow. Lemon sharks eat fish.
Starfish: Starfish lay on the sea floor and they lay on coral reef.
(Shayne, K, 5yrs old, Mrs. Russo)
Dear Skano Elementary Kids,
I am so pleased to see the exciting research and writing that you have done here - especially the kindergarteners! Good for you, doing all this writing about coral reefs! I am proud of you, and looking forward to meeting you all later today.
Seymour Simon
Three animals that live in coral reefs are Coral, Jellyfish, and Sharks.
three animals that live in a coral reef are jellyfish,shraks,and pufferfish
there are many animals that live in a coral reef. lobsters live in a coral reef, lobsters have six legs. the lobsters claws are actually it’s front legs. coral lives in a coral reef. coral is a plant that sometimes looks like a rock. clownfish (Nemo) lives in a coral reef. clownfish attract things for the anemone to eat. the anemone keeps the clownfish safe. they act like a team. sea turtles live in coral reefs. sea turtles are not that fast on land, but in the water they are fast. female sea turtles lay they’re eggs on the beach about a hundred feet from the water. great white sharks live in a coral reef. they are very dangerous, they’re sharp teeth can tear fishes skin off easy peasy.
Christopher mr. Johnson’s class, 2nd grade
There are three amazing animals that live in coral reefs. One of the three animals is the black tip reef shark. These animals have a black tip on their top fin. Coral reefs help them in one way. That one way is that they pounce on their prey to dine on them. Another animal is scorpion fish. These fish also hide in the coral reefs. These fish blend in with coral reefs so they can eat their prey. Sea snakes is the third animal. These animals hide from their predators in coral reefs. Well coral reefs are truly amazing creatures of the ocean. Even though Seymour Simon wrote 300 books this is my favorite.
The first thing that i found that live in coral reefs are Blue Tang. They are in oceans from Brazil to New York. It can be 10 1/2 inches long.
There are also 27 species of clown fish. They live in the pacific ocean, red sea and Indian Ocean. Finally there is the coral, but coral is not a plant it is a living thing, and coral is usually in a group.
coral reefs are very fasinating!!!when coral reefs are formed they dont go over the depth of a 100 ft.corral reefs dont go under the tempature of 72 degF. animals that live in corral reefs are Tiger sharks,clown fish,blow fish,starfish,clams,snails and crabs.
Most of the world’s Barracudus are found in the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in and around coral reafs. The great Barracudus are usuly found in temperatures betwean 74F and 82F but have been found in much cooler water. Great Barracudus are vicious fish. Dolfins hunt in groups up to a dozen. In the wild dolfins eat squid, srimp, eels, and voriteas of fish. The lion fish is also known as the turky fish. The lion fish have brown and white stripes.
Most of the world’s Barracudus are found in the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in and around coral reafs. The great Barracudus are usuly found in temperatures betwean 74F and 82F but have been found in much cooler water. Great Barracudas are vicious fish.
Dolfins hunt in groups up to a dozen. In the wild dolfins eat squid, scrimp, eels, and voritieas of fish.
The lion fish is also kjnown as the turky fish. The lion fish have brown and white stripes.
Daniel, 2nd Grade, Ms. O’Brien, Skano