Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/10 at 11:13 AM


I relate to Einstein because I love learning and don’t care what I learn about. Einstein, when he went bird watching showed me that one of his hobbies is bird watching. I also think birds are interesting, because I don’t have one of my own. I think I’ll continue reading this book because it interests me.


Posted by Katie  on  09/11  at  08:37 AM

I have some experience with young writing, so I’d say that I am similar to Adam. I noticed that he is given the nickname Einstein, which is pretty much my nickname too. It looks like he may like a bit of soccer.

Paloni seems to like bird watching, and a little bit of soccer as well. I feel like I’m related to both people, because I love soccer and going outside, but most of all I love writing. smile

Mrs. Wojociechowski in Kent, Cider Mill.

Posted by Spencer  on  09/11  at  08:51 AM

smile I think Einstein has a bright personality and loves science, but on the other hand Paloma likes watching birds. I know that because it describes everything you need for bird watching. I share a personality with Einstein. My personality with Einstein is science. My favorite subjects are science, science and more science. I think this book can be my favorite and it is because of the vocabulary and strong evidence shown in this

              From your biggest fan: Alex K.  Cunneticut

Posted by Alexander K.  on  09/11  at  08:56 AM

One characteristic I share with Einstein is that I am a deep thinker too. I like to think about what i should do before i do it and if it is the right thing to do. This is characteristic I share with Einstein

Austin, CT          

Posted by austin  on  09/11  at  09:33 AM

I think Einstein, or also known as Adam, has the knowledge of a scientist and the friendly appearance of a regular kid to his friend, Paloma. Although, he is quiet, he does loves to do some bird watching during his free time. As the book (and the series) keeps going on and on, it must be getting better and better. I can’t wait to see the book!

Jason (4th Grade)
Cider Mill School

Posted by Jason  on  09/11  at  10:34 AM

One characteristic about Einstein is he is nice and he loves science and studying birds in free time. One characteristic I share with Einstein in we both like science a lot. I am always exited for science and Einstein is probably also. That is the characteristic I share with Einstein. smile
            From Ian in Cider Mill school smile

Posted by ian  on  09/11  at  10:49 AM

Einstein likes bird watching, soccer, science, thinking and hanging out with his close friend.  Some things that Einstein does not like are talking a lot and meeting new people.

His friend Paloma also likes bird watching and soccer.  She is Einstein’s best friend and enjoys spending time with him.  Like Einstein, Paloma does not like to meet new people and does not like talking to people she does not know.

Einstein’s characteristics include his light brown hair and his quiet disposition.  He wears glasses and is a deep thinking.  He uses science to solve all sorts of puzzles.  He smaller than the other kids, but is really average size.  He always like to wear jeans because they are comfortable. 

Paloma’s characteristics include her long black hair, and her pony tailed hair.  She is a little taller than Einstein and always wears red canvas, high top sneakers.  She also really likes wearing jeans.  It makes her feel good about herself.

I am a lot like Einstein.  We are both quiet and deep thinkers.  We both worry about a lot of things.  We have a close friend who likes a lot of the same things as we do.  We are athletic and like sports but have a quiet side and enjoy science projects.  We also both like computers and spend a fair amount of time one the computer.  Probably the most important thing that we share is a passion for something that we like to do.  Him, bird watching.  Me, something else that I only share with my close friends like Paloma.


Posted by michael  on  09/11  at  11:02 AM

Einstein is a really nice boy who has light brown hair and wears glasses.  He really likes computers and bird watching.  He does not have a lot of friends.  Einstein is a deep thinker and really smart.  He has one close friend, a girl, who likes a lot of the same things that he likes. Her name is Paloma.

Paloma has long dark hair which she keeps in a pony tail.  Both Einstein and Paloma both like wearing blue jeans. They both like bird watching and computers.  Paloma does not have any other friends.  Einstein and Paloma both like sports but would rather spend quiet time bird watching.

Einstein and I share a lot in common.  We are both athletic, but quiet at the same time.  We like to use computers and have a close friend that shares a lot of the same interests.  I don’t like bird watching but I do have special interests just like Einstein.  We both worry about our friend and think about a lot of things that many people may not understand.  That special friend in our lives makes us feel really good and makes us feel special.

Michael, Wilton, CT

cool smile

Posted by Michael  on  09/11  at  11:17 AM

grade 5
Mr Greasley
cider mill
      Einstein and Paloma are best friends. Einstein likes computers and bird watching. Also he likes soccer and to wear jeans. Einstein has light brown eyes and is twelve years old. Paloma likes to carries her backpack everywhere. She is a bit taller than Einstein and has long black hair which she keeps in a pony tail. Also she likes bird watching and playing with Einstein
  What me and Einstein have in common is we both like bird watching, and playing soccer and playing on the computer also we both like science

Posted by cameron  on  09/11  at  11:58 AM

Age 10
5th Grade, Cider Mill School
Mrs. Bosch

Some characteristics I found interesting about Paloma was that she was tall, had black hair that she wore in a pony tail, and was always wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and red high-top sneakers.

Adam, better known as “Einstein”, looked like a nerd because his glasses were too big for his face. He loved science, especially when trying to solve mysteries and puzzles.

Paloma and Einstein were friends because they both loved bird watching together. No two people were as excited about birding as they were.

I can relate to Paloma and Einstein because I love animals, including birds. Every summer I spend in Michigan on my grandparents’ lake. Their neighbors have a huge barn with sparrows nesting in the rafters. One day, a baby bird fell from the perch and was picked up by the barn cat. I wrestled the bird out of its mouth and nursed it back to health using a medicine dropper. I kept it in a shoebox on the porch. Sadly, the cat found it again for dinner!

The End!!! smile

Posted by Amelia  on  09/11  at  01:30 PM

one charaistict that i share with Einstein is we both love science.i think its so cool because ever since 1st grade i have always loved science.i think its awesome to figure out science questions and puzzles.for example todayI had science and learned about the difference between the science vocabulary words opaque,  translucent, and transparent I thought it was really fun to learn about those different vocabularies.i dont really share any charaisticts with paloma but I wear basically the same cloths as her every day. 
the end excaim


Posted by katie  on  09/11  at  02:21 PM

Age 10
5 Grade Cider Mill School

Einstein likes science and he has big glasses. Paloma has a long brown pony tail and she wears red high top sneakers. They both like soccer and bird watching.

I think I would be Einstein if I was in the book because I wear glasses and he wears glasses. I also think science is cool. Unlike Einstein I am not shy and quiet.  raspberry

Posted by Megan  on  09/11  at  02:29 PM

I think that Paloma is just like me because I like to play soccer and I like to wear my hair in a pony tail every day also I like to wear jeans in the winter when it is very snowy. Paloma likes to listen to bird sound so do I and I also like science. But I don’t have red sneakers to wear to school.


Posted by Ellen  on  09/11  at  03:47 PM

Einstein and Paloma have different characteristics. Einstein is very smart and knows a lot about science. Einstein doesn’t have many friends. His one close friend, Paloma likes nature and likes to study it.                              -                                                                Einstein and I have some things in common. I like science very much. I also like computers, like Einstein. These are some of the things that me and Einstein have in common.

Mrs. Bosch 5th grade, Cider Mill

Posted by Oliver, Grade 5 (10 years)  on  09/11  at  05:18 PM

Paloma and Einstein have many characteristics. Some are the same, some are different. I share many like Paloma’s and Einstein’s. But I can most closely relate to Einstein.
  Like Einstein, I am very smart and use logic like him to help me solve problems and puzzles. I also have brown eyes too!  😱

Mrs. Froehlich’s class, Cider Mill

Posted by Mikey  on  09/12  at  09:22 AM

I think I am a lot like Paloma. We both like science, and watching birds! I love kickball, which is a lot like soccer.  I also wear jeans and a T-shirt as my usual wardrobe, you’ll never catch me wearing a dress unless it’s for a performance or something similar, plus I always have my hair in a kinda-messy ponytail.Most of my good friends are boys like Paloma. Unlike Paloma I am VERY short I am 4ft. 1 and I have brown hair.

Morgane, Mrs. Froehlich, KENT, Cider Mill

Posted by Morgane, Mrs. Froehlich, KENT, Cider Mill  on  09/12  at  09:28 AM

Mrs. Bosch
Cider Mill

A few traits that I have in common is I like to have bag wherever I go and I am a couple inches taller than my best friend. Some traits that I have with Einstein are
that I love the computer and I like birds also I am smart. I cant wait to read the rest of the book it sounds amazing! snake  wink  big surprise  tongue rolleye

Posted by Logged Out User  on  09/12  at  09:35 AM

It seems that Adam, A.K.A Einstein, likes to play soccer, and loves science! I’ve been playing soccer since kindergarden, and i started liking science last year! I also dress comfortable and wear a ponytail almost every day just like Paloma! I think its so funny that i have some of the same characteristics as both of the characters! Don’t you? smile

Mrs. Rondano’s class Cider Mill School, Connecticut

Posted by Samantha  on  09/12  at  09:53 AM

I think Einstein really enjoys science, bird watching, and spending time with his friend paloma. I also thinks Einstein might enjoy computer science and creating/building cool new interesting things. I also think since Paloma and Einstein are friends they might have the same interests like science computers and such.
I also think Einstein enjoys learning about nature and what is out there in the world.


      Mrs. Bosch’s class, Cider Mill

Posted by Aidan  on  09/12  at  10:05 AM

Grade 5
Cider Mill
After reading this excerpt from your story, I noted that Paloma Fuentes likes birds and is always prepared- she brings her backpack everywhere. I expect her to to like birds and being outside (judging by what the text says.)
I also noted that Einstein Anderson likes science and is good at it- I can relate to that because I too like science. He also probably likes soccer because in the text it says “SOCCER CAMP WAS OVER FOR THE DAY”
I used to play soccer myself and loved it up until about 2 years ago, I remember going to soccer camp every day myself. So, in a way, I sort of relate to Einstein!!! 😃😃😃

Posted by Dillon  on  09/12  at  10:10 AM

Einstein is a really nice boy who has light brown hair and wears glasses.  He really likes computers and bird watching.  He does not have a lot of friends.  Einstein is a deep thinker and really smart.  He has one close friend, a girl, who likes a lot of the same things that he likes. Her name is Paloma.

Paloma has long dark hair which she keeps in a pony tail.  Both Einstein and Paloma both like wearing blue jeans. They both like bird watching and computers.  Paloma does not have any other friends.  Einstein and Paloma both like sports but would rather spend quiet time bird watching.

Einstein and I share a lot in common.  We are both athletic, but quiet at the same time.  We like to use computers and have a close friend that shares a lot of the same interests.  I don’t like bird watching but I do have special interests just like Einstein.  We both worry about our friend and think about a lot of things that many people may not understand.  That special friend in our lives makes us feel really good and makes us feel special.

Michael C.
Mrs. Stallfort’s Class, Cider Mill, Wilton, CT

cool smile

Posted by Michael  on  09/12  at  10:30 AM

Einstein likes science and his best friend Paloma likes soccer and bird watching.  Paloma is shy and Einstein is smart. 

Posted by Connor  on  09/12  at  10:37 AM

Mr.Greasly’s class
Cider Mill
One charicteristic about Einstine is he is nice and loves science and waching birds in free time. One charicteristic I share with Einstine is that we both like science a lot. I am always excited for science and Einstein is probably also. That is the charicteristic I share with Einstein. smile
          From Ian in Cider Mill school smile

Posted by Ian  on  09/12  at  10:44 AM

I think that Paloma has many charcteristics some that I have some that I dont. some that i do are that I usually wear a pony tail. I also like to play soccer. and dont dress to formaly I also have some similar characteristics to Einstein. I wear glasses and have a love for sience and mysterys. that is how I am similar to Paloma and Einstein. I would say that I am more like Einstein beacuase i look more like him and have more interests that he has. smile !!!!!!!

Ms.froehlich kent cider mill

Posted by Dhriti  on  09/12  at  11:11 AM

Hunter Mr.Greasley age10 5th grade

Paloma and Einstein Anderson as said on the passage are best friends and dress similarly. They both sound as if they are very into science.
Also they both like as you can see birding and playing soccer. From all of this you can guess that there as tight as friends could be.
Now for some other traits from our two friends.
As the book says adam is often silent and has glasses that are to big. Also he has brown eyes.
The last thing that I will say here is that Adam likes to read. Good by   :D

Posted by hunter  on  09/12  at  12:07 PM
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