Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/10 at 11:13 AM


Einstein, (his real name is Adam), is a twelve year old boy, with light-shaded eyes, and glasses a little too wide for his face. Einstein is a very brilliant thinker. That is how he actually got the nickname ‘Einstein’. From the genius of the twentieth century. He also likes birdwatching, with his friend Paloma.
  Paloma is a girl the same age as Einstein, but she is slightly taller. She always seems to have her long black hair tied in a ponytail. Just like she always wears red canvas high-top sneakers, and jeans. She also loves birdwatching with Einstein.
  I am a little similar to Einstein. I am always trying to think outside of the box on things and I like the computer. Plus I have light brown hair. People sometimes think I have great talents.

Mrs. Staub, Cider Mill

Posted by Ella  on  09/24  at  03:14 PM

mrs.duncan, nina, 9/25/13,my report,4th grade            

Adam and Paloma are very good friends, they are both 12 year old, like science and they both dress in a similar way. Although they are the same age she is a little bit taller. Another difference is that he wears big glasses.
Einstein is a very smart person that is very good in science and math, and he likes puzzles and mysteries.
Paloma is very interested by birds, she likes to observe them with her binocculars and take pictures of them with her camera.
FInally they are both at a soccer camp.

They are such good friends. I think that this is a great story!


Posted by Nina  on  09/25  at  09:31 AM

Dean, Cider Mill School, Mrs. Dohn’s 5th grade class, age 10.

A characteristic that Einstein Anderson has is that he is patient when he is thinking, I know this because in the park he closed his eyes and didn’t try to cram everything into his head all at once.

And a characteristic that Paloma has is that she is repetitive because in the text, it says that she wears the same pair of shoes and jeans everyday.

I think that Einstein and Paloma are fit together to be best friends because they both like the same things.  They both like playing on a soccer team, they both like bird wacthing, and it seems they both love science!

Out of Einstein and Paloma, I think I’m more like Einstein.  I think this because I like science and am always looking forward to going to the science lab at school.  And, like Einstein, I can sometimes be a deep thinker when I have something to think about.

These are what characteristics I share with Einstein Anderson, and what characteristics the two characters in the book have.

Posted by Dean  on  09/25  at  11:56 AM

Adam (Einstein) and Paloma are best friends. They both share an interest of soccer, as they were at soccer camp, and bird watching. Paloma seems to enjoy bird watching VERY much, since she had bird watching supplies and even a birding app on her phone. Einstein loves a good mystery/ puzzle, and so do I. They get your brain thinking when solving one. Einstein also loves science. Einstein looks like an average sized 12 year old with enormous glasses, too big for him, covering his light brown eyes. Paloma is taller than Einstein and has long, black hair, always in a ponytail. She always wears red canvas high-top sneakers along with jeans. Paloma brings her backpack with her nearly everywhere!

I really want to read the book! smile

Age 10
5th Grade
Mrs. Dohn
Cider Mill

Posted by Justin  on  09/25  at  01:20 PM

1) Likes -
Science - He had been interested in science ever since he was little.
Paloma - They had been friends ever since she came to town.
Birding - They were doing it    

Einstein: Curious - thinks a lot
smart - uses science in games

Paloma: fun - does interesting stuff

Einstein-A boy that spends lots of time thinking, he thinks like a scientist and I like the way he sees things in a different way just like me! We both wear glasses but mine are way different. I noticed that Einstein is different than other people because he is usually quiet. I wish I had a friend like Einstein.

By Saanvi, 3rd Grade, 8 yrs old
Mrs. Francoletti - Kent Cider Mill

Posted by Saanvi  on  09/25  at  04:51 PM
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