This is Thatcher from Mrs. Abatto’s class at Altamont Elementary. I think the first insect is a moth because it folds its wings down and its antennae don’t have those dots like a butterfly has. I think the second insect is a butterfly because its wings go up and its antennae have dots on the end.
Posted by Thatcher on 10/02 at 12:37 PM
Hi my name is Frank C. and I am in fifth grade and I go to Altamont Elementary and my teacher is Ms. Flanagan this is what I think about moths and butterfly’s.
Insect A Moth
-moths are not very colorful and have a lot of fur.
-moths wing’s fold flat over their backs while resting.
-moths antennae are thread-like or feathery.
-moths antennae don’t have a club tip at the end.
Insect B Butterfly
-butterfly’s antennae stick up from the head.
-butterfly’s are texturally smooth, not rough.
- butterfly’s have 2-3 bright colors on their wing.
-butterfly’s wings are mostly facing up.
Posted by Logged Out User on 10/02 at 02:30 PM
Posted by jordan on 10/03 at 08:49 AM
waz-up the rightmost picture is the butterfly because the wings on the left are flat and moths wings are flat.the butterflies are not.also because the antenas on the butterfly have little thingz.the moths dont
(ps i am in Ms.Flanagans class.)
Posted by nic on 10/03 at 08:50 AM
A was the moth because of the smaller size and tan-ish wings. B is a butterfly because of its vibrant color and rounded antenna.
New York
Posted by Nathan on 10/03 at 11:56 AM
Insect a is a moth because it has a furry body and little color.
Insect b is a butterfly because it has a tongue and it has a colorful body.
kaitlyn10/ Flanagan
New York
Posted by kaitlyn on 10/03 at 12:22 PM
Dear Seymour Simon,
Hey! Insect A is a moth. I know that because a moths wings are usually open while resting. Also, the antennae are not shaped like a golf club unlike a butterfly. Insect B is a butterfly because a butterflies wings are usually closed while resting. Also, antennae are shaped like golf clubs. That is how I know. : )

Hailee Age:10 Miss Flanagan
New York
Posted by Hailee on 10/03 at 12:53 PM
Insect A is a moth because its wings are flat and its colors are dull.
Insect B is a butterfly because its wings are straight up and it has patterns on its wings.

Posted by Grace on 10/03 at 03:07 PM
Dear Mr. Simon,
The insect on the left is a moth. I know because his antenna are lying flat down. His wings are also lying flat. Also the wings are not so colorful.
The insect on the right is a butterly. I know because the antenna are standing up. The wings are pointed upward too. Also, the wings are very colorful.
:): D :D ;D
Gianna C.
New York
Posted by Gianna C. on 10/03 at 03:30 PM

Dear Mr. Simon<
The picture on the left is a moth. You can tell be cause the color is a dull brown. Also the wings are lying flat down. Also because my Uncle Bob showed me one once.
The other one is a butterfly. It has colorful wings that are upright. It is using its feet to taste!
See ya soon!
Posted by Angelo on 10/03 at 03:38 PM
We think that picture A is a moth because we learned that moths are nocturnal and picture A looks like it was taken at night. We also think it is a moth because it is smaller than the insect in picture B. We learned that moths are smaller than butterflies. We also learned that moths don’t have knobs on the ends of their feelers and in this picture we do not see any knobs. These are the reasons we think picture A is a moth.
We think that picture B is a butterfly because we learned that butterflies have knobs at the ends of their feelers and in this picture we see knobs.We also learned that butterflies are larger than moths and the insect in picture B looks larger than the insect in picture A. Picture B looks like it was taken during the day so we think it must be a butterfly because butterflies are out during the daytime. These are the reasons we think picture B is a butterfly.
Thanks we had so much fun learning about butterflies and moths.
Mrs. Critelli’s Kindergarten Class
Posted by Mrs. Critelli's Kindergarten Class on 10/04 at 07:27 AM
Insect A is a butterfly because there is a bulb on top of the antennae and its wings are resting up when it lands.
Insect B is a moth because its not as colorful as a butterfly and its wings are flat when it lands.
Grade 3 Farrell
Altamont Elementary School
Posted by Logged Out User on 10/04 at 09:01 AM
I think the butterflie will win.
I think the butterflie will win because it is cool,and they have pretty wings:)
And my teacher is Miss.Bell
Posted by Alyssa on 02/29 at 05:10 AM
This is Thatcher from Mrs. Abatto’s class at Altamont Elementary. I think the first insect is a moth because it folds its wings down and its antennae don’t have those dots like a butterfly has. I think the second insect is a butterfly because its wings go up and its antennae have dots on the end.
Hi my name is Frank C. and I am in fifth grade and I go to Altamont Elementary and my teacher is Ms. Flanagan this is what I think about moths and butterfly’s.
Insect A Moth
-moths are not very colorful and have a lot of fur.
-moths wing’s fold flat over their backs while resting.
-moths antennae are thread-like or feathery.
-moths antennae don’t have a club tip at the end.
Insect B Butterfly
-butterfly’s antennae stick up from the head.
-butterfly’s are texturally smooth, not rough.
- butterfly’s have 2-3 bright colors on their wing.
-butterfly’s wings are mostly facing up.
yo simon i like your books also i think insect A is a moth and insect B is a butterfly and i am in flanagans class
also insect a wings are down and it has flat intenas and insect b has little balls on there intenas and its wings are up.
new york
waz-up the rightmost picture is the butterfly because the wings on the left are flat and moths wings are flat.the butterflies are not.also because the antenas on the butterfly have little thingz.the moths dont
(ps i am in Ms.Flanagans class.)
A was the moth because of the smaller size and tan-ish wings. B is a butterfly because of its vibrant color and rounded antenna.
New York
Insect a is a moth because it has a furry body and little color.
Insect b is a butterfly because it has a tongue and it has a colorful body.
kaitlyn10/ Flanagan
New York
Dear Seymour Simon,
Hey! Insect A is a moth. I know that because a moths wings are usually open while resting. Also, the antennae are not shaped like a golf club unlike a butterfly. Insect B is a butterfly because a butterflies wings are usually closed while resting. Also, antennae are shaped like golf clubs. That is how I know. : )

Hailee Age:10 Miss Flanagan
New York
Insect A is a moth because its wings are flat and its colors are dull.

Insect B is a butterfly because its wings are straight up and it has patterns on its wings.
Dear Mr. Simon,
:): D :D ;D
The insect on the left is a moth. I know because his antenna are lying flat down. His wings are also lying flat. Also the wings are not so colorful.
The insect on the right is a butterly. I know because the antenna are standing up. The wings are pointed upward too. Also, the wings are very colorful.
Gianna C.
New York
Dear Mr. Simon<
The picture on the left is a moth. You can tell be cause the color is a dull brown. Also the wings are lying flat down. Also because my Uncle Bob showed me one once.
The other one is a butterfly. It has colorful wings that are upright. It is using its feet to taste!
See ya soon!
We think that picture A is a moth because we learned that moths are nocturnal and picture A looks like it was taken at night. We also think it is a moth because it is smaller than the insect in picture B. We learned that moths are smaller than butterflies. We also learned that moths don’t have knobs on the ends of their feelers and in this picture we do not see any knobs. These are the reasons we think picture A is a moth.
We think that picture B is a butterfly because we learned that butterflies have knobs at the ends of their feelers and in this picture we see knobs.We also learned that butterflies are larger than moths and the insect in picture B looks larger than the insect in picture A. Picture B looks like it was taken during the day so we think it must be a butterfly because butterflies are out during the daytime. These are the reasons we think picture B is a butterfly.
Thanks we had so much fun learning about butterflies and moths.
Mrs. Critelli’s Kindergarten Class
Insect A is a butterfly because there is a bulb on top of the antennae and its wings are resting up when it lands.
Insect B is a moth because its not as colorful as a butterfly and its wings are flat when it lands.
Grade 3 Farrell
Altamont Elementary School
I think the butterflie will win.
I think the butterflie will win because it is cool,and they have pretty wings:)
And my teacher is Miss.Bell