Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07/12 at 12:53 PM



Posted by Mary  on  07/30  at  12:34 PM

Umm, is it sparks flying because something was in a fire? Just a guess

Posted by Abbi  on  08/04  at  04:17 PM

The sparks are caused by material in the fire Abbi, so your guess is correct.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  08/10  at  09:11 AM


Posted by Abbi  on  08/10  at  09:28 PM

Nice, abbi. Yes, I Also think that too. But… I think the sparks are showing up because the fire might be dying. Just a crazy guess.

Posted by Emily  on  08/21  at  05:02 PM
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