Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/01 at 07:15 AM


A Satellite smile ?

Posted by Caroline H.  on  11/02  at  12:37 AM

Hmmmmm…...this is very close, Caroline, but not quite the answer I’m looking for. The thing in this photograph does indeed orbit the earth (a “satellite”), but it is a very specific satellite.

Who knows what we are seeing in this photograph?

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  11/03  at  05:11 AM

Would it be a weather satellite?

Posted by Terry  on  11/03  at  11:19 AM

Still not quite, Terry, although this orbiting body does often look at the weather. Remember that this view is from the International Space Station. What do you think we are seeing in the top of the photograph?

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  11/04  at  03:39 AM

Is it the space shuttle

Posted by Angela Brown  on  11/07  at  04:15 AM

Good guesses. The ISS is powered by solar panels; does that help suggest the answer to what causes the streaks?

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  11/07  at  04:55 AM

Is it the sun and stars?....

Posted by Angela B.  on  11/08  at  07:32 PM

I’m trying again smile. Is it an AIM Satellite?

Posted by Caroline H.  on  11/09  at  06:34 AM

insect A is moth because it is dull in color and insect B is a butterfly because it is bright in color hope to see you soon

Hillside School

Posted by Peyton  on  11/29  at  07:01 AM

THIS IS SPARKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by Anna 4-m  on  12/01  at  05:26 AM

That picture is so cool! Did you know that the most dazzling time to watch it is December through March when the skies are long and dark. One time I saw a video of the Aurora Borealis and it looked exactly like that. Did you ever see the Aurora Borealis in real life? I hope I get to. LOL

Posted by Tyler  on  01/02  at  07:16 AM
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