Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/05 at 12:39 AM


It reminds me of the Poisonous Dart Frog. Anyhow, that lizzard does look like spider man! I just hope it doesnt shoot webs at people. smile

Posted by Marissa  on  04/06  at  05:17 AM

Wow!! I DO think it should be called the “Spider Man”!
Oh, and by the way, my name is Emma, I go to Churchville, the school you visited in February?
Anyway, the “Spider Man” you are talking about is really cool, and pretty. I hope you can write back to me with some facts about the “Spider Man Lizard”.
Thanks, Emma from Churchville.
Date: 4-6-11

Posted by Emma  on  04/06  at  05:17 AM

Hi, Emma from Churchville. I am glad you like the “Spider Man Lizard.” I have an idea. Why don’t you do some research, and write back to me about what you learn? That way you can share with everyone!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/29  at  02:09 AM
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