Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/07 at 12:10 AM


Pluto was named by an 11 year old girl, Venetia Burney, who won a contest (kind of like this one! grin ) to name the planet.  Pluto’s orbit around the sun goes from between 4.4 and 7.4 billion km. Pluto takes 248 Earth years to go around the sun.  wink

Posted by Maddy  on  02/07  at  02:52 AM

1.Pluto has three moons Charon,Nix and Hydra.
2.Pluto is not a planet.
3.It takes about 248 years for pluto to orbit the sun.
4.Pluto is a far-off-icy body in our solar system.

Posted by Riley  on  02/07  at  07:47 AM

1.There are 3 moons.
2.The moons are named Charon,Nix and Hydra.
3.Pluto can be seen from a telescope.
4.Pluto is a far-off icy body in our solar system.
5.Astronotmers consider Pluto a dwarf planet.

Posted by Collin  on  02/07  at  07:51 AM

1. pluto is a dwarf planet smile
2. Pluto is really small:)
3. Pluto is very cold:)

Posted by Emma  on  02/07  at  07:52 AM

#1.Pluto’s Journey around the sun takes 248 Earth years.
#2.Pluto was the only planet discovered in the twentieth century.
#3.Pluto’s maximum distance from the sun is 4.6 billion miles.

Posted by Andrew  on  02/07  at  01:04 PM

hello i loved the author visit.!

James Fallon School

Posted by chris  on  02/07  at  01:17 PM

Wow! i loved the visit, and i loved the airplane trick!!!!hahahahahahahahahha

Posted by chris  on  02/07  at  01:21 PM

Save The Moose!!!

•Don’t harm the moose!
•Leave them alone!
•They don’t harm you so why should you harm them!

Posted by Ashley  on  02/08  at  09:22 AM

Pluto is a Dwarf Planet.
Pluto wasn’t always the 9th planet, sometime during its orbit it became athe 8th planet.

Posted by Nicky  on  02/08  at  09:25 AM

Facts About Pluto

Second biggest Dwarf planet

Sometimes in orbit, Pluto will past Neptune and Neptune will be the farthest

4.666 km/s is Plutos regular orbit speed.

Posted by JP  on  02/08  at  09:26 AM

Pluto top 3 most interesting facts

1.  Pervical Lowell first saw hints of Pluto’s existence in the year 1905 from odd deviations Pervical observed in the huge orbits of Neptune and Uranus.

2. Pluto is the only planet named by an eleven-year-old girl, named Venetia Burney from Oxford, England, who recommended to her grandfather that it get its name from one of the legendary Roman god of the underworld.

3.  When Pluto is closer to the hotsun, its surface ices thaw and which makes it temporarily form a thin atmosphere.

Posted by Mr. Mystery  on  02/08  at  12:00 PM

How do you feel about this book? My anwser:  smilex6

Posted by Sean  on  02/08  at  12:11 PM

My 3 facts for the ‘‘3 Cheers for Pluto’’ contest are:
1.Pluto’s moons are Charon,Nix, and Hydra.
2.Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930.
3.Pluto has an odd, stretched, and tilted orbit, which brings it closer to the sun than Neptune every 20 out of every 250 years.

Posted by Divya  on  02/09  at  04:35 PM
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