Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/17 at 02:19 AM


When did you hear about the sea butterfly?

Rex, Steven

Posted by Rex. Steven  on  04/18  at  06:31 AM

How can the butterfly breathe in the ocean?
How did you get the picture and it is under water?
Who took the picture?


Posted by Arreon/Daniela/Sheila  on  04/18  at  06:38 AM

How do know the sea butterfly is harmless?

Sandra A.

Posted by Sandra A.  on  04/19  at  10:32 AM

What does the butterfly eat ?

Tx pdn

Posted by Omar  on  04/19  at  10:33 AM

What does it eat?

Tx pdn

Posted by Omar  on  04/19  at  10:37 AM

It looks like a normal fish that is trying to go to the surface this fish very rare

Giancarlos and Sinai

Posted by Giancarlos and Sinai  on  04/19  at  10:38 AM

wow! Thats a sea butterfly it looks so cool.I wonder how they took that photo.

Posted by Meli  on  06/07  at  03:46 AM
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