Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/21 at 03:35 AM


I love the sea slug’s beautiful vibrant colors. wink

Posted by Marissa  on  09/26  at  10:24 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,
I love sea creatures and plants but I have a lot of questions about coral reefs. How do they get their vibrant and neon colors? It’s really amazing how coral reefs can have the really cool color for decades! It will be exciting to see you at Glencliff! smile

Posted by Maddie  on  11/21  at  06:53 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,
I would love to know how coral reefs and other plants get their vibrant colors and patterns under water. I love the under sea world because it is so beautiful! smile

Posted by Minaal  on  11/21  at  07:01 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,

I recently went to Hawaii and saw the same fish.

From Nick
(At Hillside school- you’re visiting us next week!)

Posted by Debbie  on  11/22  at  05:40 AM

I thought this was one of the most interesting articles I ever read! All of the facts were really interesting.  I have always been interested in coral reefs. I never knew that sea slugs were so colorful. I thought they were just normal colors. Like tan, or brown. Do you know why they only live in shallow waters?

Posted by Jaxy  on  11/30  at  06:04 AM

I like the sea a lot, and I never knew a sea slug is really called a nudibranch. Poisonous sea slugs (or nudibranch) weird! The sea is really interesting.

Posted by dylan  on  12/01  at  04:19 AM

Hi, Niskayuna kids - so glad to hear from you all. These are absolutely magnificent creatures, aren’t they?

I’m working on a book called CORAL REEFS right now - it will be out next summer. There will be lots of information about these “cities under the sea,” and more amazing photographs. I think it is going to be one of the most beautiful books I have ever done.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  12/01  at  05:14 AM
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