Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/05 at 06:48 AM


Thank you so much for visiting! You were great! I know you have inspired many children to read and learn about science!

Posted by Iris Estrada  on  03/05  at  03:24 PM

Hi there,
I can’t wait to show our students your blog tomorrow at school (most of them do not have Internet access at home).  I think they’ll love the fact that you showcased their artwork and writing, and I know they’ll be thrilled to hear you call them your “fellow authors!”  What a compliment!
Thanks again for a great visit and for creating such a buzz at our school!
Alissa Gonzalez

Posted by Alissa Gonzalez  on  03/06  at  05:04 PM

dear mr. simon
i like vocanos because it is my book that i have.                                                                          thanks francisco

Posted by francisco  on  03/07  at  07:34 AM

Dear Mr.Simon

I was very happy when you came! And I loved the pic we took with each other. Everybody in my school saw that pic. I hope you come to our school again!

Love, Kimberly

Posted by kimberly  on  03/07  at  07:37 AM

Dear Mr. Simon,

I relly liked that you came to our school
and that you took a picher with us and when I was
little I belived in space monsters too.

                  thank you your friend

Posted by aylin  on  03/07  at  07:37 AM

Dear Mr. Simon,

I really liked your pictures that you showed when you came to Crockett. I liked the one with the butterfly. I can’t wait to read your new butterfly book!


Posted by gabriel  on  03/07  at  07:38 AM

dear , mr simon i love your books i already read one of your book about tropical rain forest it is awosom
i told my family all about you my grampa know about you .thank you

                            your friend ,


Posted by sharon  on  03/07  at  07:41 AM

Dear Mr.Simon,
I really like the pictures that you showed us.I was a winner to get a book but I was a grand prize winner so I got 2 books. I forgot them in the car so I didn’t get you’re signature.

Posted by clarissa  on  03/07  at  07:41 AM

dear mr.simon,

Thanks for coming to our school. I liked your new book. I hope you come again.

your frend johnny

Posted by johnny  on  03/07  at  07:42 AM

Dear Mr. simon,

I like how you taked about our school and i like the pichers . I got one of your books wich is Destination juipter and it is so good. I liked it.  I learned lots about jupiter. Thank you for comeing to our school


Posted by Jannette  on  03/07  at  07:42 AM

Dear Mr.Simon,

I realy liked when you came to texas and to crockett too . Your books are realy cool. I wish that I was just like you a athour.


Posted by Fernanda  on  03/07  at  07:42 AM

Dear Mr. simon,

I really liked the pictures that you showed when you came to crokett. I realy like the books that you wrote.  My favorite book is sharks.

Posted by james  on  03/07  at  07:43 AM

Dear .Mr.Simon,             

We like all your book and   love   them   and   we know that   your   next   book   is   going to be   about   Butterflys.

Posted by Yarelia  on  03/07  at  07:44 AM
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