Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/12 at 09:20 AM


Thank you for putting all our great memories from yesterday’s visit into this movie. Our students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the day!!! Your name is still on everyone’s lips.

Posted by Alisa Myles  on  12/12  at  03:28 PM


I love the animoto that Liz created of our day with you here at Eleanor Roosevelt.

The time you spent with our students and staff will be remember for years to come.  You have a way of making science fun ! 

Thank you grin

Posted by rosemarie shire  on  12/12  at  04:03 PM

What an awesome video…and I LOVE the music…it was a pleasure listening to you Tuesday and so much fun to watch the kids get so excited….my girls were chatting non-stop when Dad came home….I thought they were going to explode!

Posted by Meg Pieslak  on  12/12  at  06:51 PM

Earthquake:A shaking between two big rocks beneth the ground. An earthquake may causehorrible fires or home disasters. Earthquakes occur mostly in California. Earthquakes can be big or small. smile

Using ‘‘Earthquake’’ in a sentance: Earthquakes can be danderous in California.

Why I think it’s awesome: I think it’s awesome because an earthquake can do many different kinds of disasters in one kind of storm.

Posted by Kelsea  on  12/13  at  07:00 AM
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