Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/25 at 06:52 AM


your dogs book is so cute and so is your cats book i like dogs and cats (but my mom is alergic to cats so i can’t have one until i get older:);)

Posted by aquesia  on  01/28  at  03:39 PM

I can’t decide which pet I like best!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  01/29  at  04:29 AM

Wow Seymor! You are a very succesful writer! I am a fan of yours from Churchville Elementry and I just want you to know how siked I am for you to come to our school! It’s very fascinating how you gather all of these facts and put them into a book!

I know you travel ALL over the world and help kids learn things everyday! Two questions. Did you want to be a writer when you were small? What convinced you to write?

  Thank you for time and I hope you write me back!
        Keep it up,
    Cassidy from Mr.Beal’s class   cheese

Posted by backofthenet8  on  02/03  at  12:16 PM

Hi, Cassidy. I am coming to Churchville in a few weeks and will visit your school. I promise you that you will hear about how and why I started writing. Looking forward to meeting all of you PA kids!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/06  at  05:16 AM
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