York Gagarin nail armstrong alen shepherd
Posted by Lydia 6 on 09/10 at 08:22 AM
Neil armstrong,Allen shepherd, yuri Gagarin
All help
Posted by Lohany6h on 09/10 at 08:24 AM
Alan Sheperd, Micheal Colins, Buzz Aldren, and NASA Scientists
Posted by Tenneh 6th Period on 09/10 at 08:24 AM
Yuri Gagarin ,Alan shepherd
Posted by Estefania on 09/10 at 08:25 AM
Not only Niel Armstrong but Michael Collins, and Buz Aldrin also participated in that specific trip to the moon. They were there to analyze and for moral support.
Posted by on 09/10 at 08:26 AM
Im happy that Neil Armstrong finished his mission before he died.
Posted by Lakota 6th period on 09/10 at 08:27 AM
Yuri Gagarin,Alan shepered,michel Collins,
Posted by Coleman on 09/10 at 08:27 AM
Buz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were also with Niel Armstrong on the moon. They were there to help collect data, and make observations.
Posted by Jackie 6th on 09/10 at 08:29 AM
Yurt Gagarin buss aldermen Galieo lyka
Posted by Travis6 on 09/10 at 08:29 AM
Alan Shepord, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong were the first astronots to go to the moon. Neil Armstrong was first man to walk in the moon.
Posted by Ana 6th Period on 09/10 at 08:29 AM
His family for supporting him
Posted by Dylan 6th on 09/10 at 08:29 AM
Yuri Gagarin Neil Armstrong alen shepherd.
Posted by Lonnie6 on 09/10 at 08:31 AM
I m happy that Neil Armstrong finished his mission before he died and it was very sad when he died because he was my families favorite astronaut.
Posted by Lakota 6 on 09/10 at 08:31 AM
Neil Armstrong will be remembered dearly cause of his heroism
Posted by Marcus 6th on 09/10 at 08:31 AM
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on earth yuri gagarin,and Allan Shepard
Posted by Maricruz 6th period on 09/10 at 08:31 AM
Buzz Aldrean
Michial Collins
Walked On Moon
Posted by Ashley 6 on 09/10 at 08:32 AM
Posted by Hunter6 on 09/10 at 08:32 AM
Neil Armstrong
Posted by Essence on 09/10 at 08:33 AM
Neil Armstrong was the first American on the moon thank you Neil Armstrong!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Ashia 6th period on 09/10 at 08:34 AM
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He changed the way a lot of people viewed things. Knowing that his foot print will last forever on the moon will always give people something to remind them selves about Neil whenever they look at the moon. A lot of people respected Neil and admired the thing he did to help improve our knowledge about the solar system. Neil was a great brave man R.I.P
Posted by on 09/11 at 09:20 AM
I like how he was the first astrounaunt to ever walk on the moon.
I like how when he was walking on the moon, how he wasn’t afraid.
I like how he was a hero to everyone on planet Earth.
I like how he could survive on the moon when there is no air.
I like how he was a man of courage and wisdom.
Posted by on 09/14 at 06:03 AM
York Gagarin nail armstrong alen shepherd
Neil armstrong,Allen shepherd, yuri Gagarin
All help
Alan Sheperd, Micheal Colins, Buzz Aldren, and NASA Scientists
Yuri Gagarin ,Alan shepherd
Not only Niel Armstrong but Michael Collins, and Buz Aldrin also participated in that specific trip to the moon. They were there to analyze and for moral support.
Im happy that Neil Armstrong finished his mission before he died.
Yuri Gagarin,Alan shepered,michel Collins,
Buz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were also with Niel Armstrong on the moon. They were there to help collect data, and make observations.
Yurt Gagarin buss aldermen Galieo lyka
Alan Shepord, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong were the first astronots to go to the moon. Neil Armstrong was first man to walk in the moon.
His family for supporting him
Yuri Gagarin Neil Armstrong alen shepherd.
I m happy that Neil Armstrong finished his mission before he died and it was very sad when he died because he was my families favorite astronaut.
Neil Armstrong will be remembered dearly cause of his heroism
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on earth yuri gagarin,and Allan Shepard
Buzz Aldrean
Michial Collins
Walked On Moon
Allen shepherd
Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong was the first American on the moon thank you Neil Armstrong!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He changed the way a lot of people viewed things. Knowing that his foot print will last forever on the moon will always give people something to remind them selves about Neil whenever they look at the moon. A lot of people respected Neil and admired the thing he did to help improve our knowledge about the solar system. Neil was a great brave man R.I.P
I like how he was the first astrounaunt to ever walk on the moon.
I like how when he was walking on the moon, how he wasn’t afraid.
I like how he was a hero to everyone on planet Earth.
I like how he could survive on the moon when there is no air.
I like how he was a man of courage and wisdom.