Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/21 at 11:10 AM


I am sooooo happy koda is ok because I am such a dog lover. cheese

Posted by Daniella  on  10/24  at  11:46 AM

That fireman is my hero now!

Posted by Olivia  on  11/04  at  11:01 AM

Do you have anything on avalanches? I’ m doing another project in school and we are doing it on natural disasters and I’m doing avalanches. Can you help me like how you helped me with my hyena project?  cool smile

Posted by Olivia  on  11/04  at  11:05 AM

Wow!!!!! That is just an incredible act of kindeness! (I’m Emma from Churchville; I haven’t wrote in a while) I love dogs, and if you know the breed of dog that is, I would really appreciate it!! PUPPIES/DOGS!!!

Posted by Emma  on  11/06  at  11:01 AM

HI and welcome back Emma and Olivia. The dog is a Labrador Retriever. I’m writing a new book called EXTREME EARTH and that will have something about avalanches. Unfortunately, the book won’t be out till next Fall.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  11/07  at  04:59 AM

Hi!  We are a class of second graders in New Jersey.  We love your blog and especially this article about a firefighter hero saving our favorite—a dog!  We just read Super Storms and are excited to read your Why Do Puppies Do That on our iPad!!!  What ‘s your favorite kind of dog?

Posted by Kramer's Kennel Club  on  11/08  at  07:46 AM

Darn, because this is due on Monday. Well, thank you anyway for trying. You are the best Mr. Simon!! I like it when you help me!!! LOL  smile

Posted by Olivia  on  11/11  at  01:29 PM

Hi everyone. Nice to know that you’re back on my blog and commenting about those items that interest you. Welcome to Kramer’s Kennel Club - please write and tell me what you think when you’ve had a chance to read my new eBook WHY DO PUPPIES DO THAT?

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  11/17  at  03:48 AM

In all fairness to kittens, I think your class should also read my new eBook WHY DO KITTENS DO THAT? Then you should have a vote in your class: What is your favorite pet: Puppies or Kittens? You might be surprised at the results!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  11/21  at  09:25 AM

Yay thank you mr. Fireman!!!

Posted by Allison  on  11/24  at  06:57 PM

Were you the person who saved that dog and took care of him or did you just get the picture off the internet and talk about?

Something I learned is that I never knew I could do mouth-to-mouth with a dog.  :l

Posted by Dakota 4-C  on  12/01  at  04:18 AM

i love dogs and im so happy that koda is alive thanks to the fire fighters.  cool smile

Posted by christopher  on  03/05  at  05:28 AM

That fireman is my hero that poor puppy got into trouble and they saved him.Mr.Simon thanks for putting that on people can know what happened.

New Jersey

Posted by Lauren  on  12/05  at  10:01 AM
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