Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/15 at 06:41 AM


We love the Cat in the Hat
and are glad there is a new show.
What a great idea
to help us learn and grow.

Eric Van Raepenbusch
Happy Birthday Author

Posted by Eric Van Raepenbusch  on  09/15  at  08:11 AM

I retweeted the contest, I follow on Facebook and Twitter (which is where I learned about the contest), I belong to the website. 

Thank you so much for the great giveaway!

Posted by Eric Van Raepenbusch  on  09/15  at  08:14 AM

This feline of worldwide repute
Wears head gear but never a suit
You don’t know his name?
He’s received much acclaim.
The Cat in the Hat, silly brute!

Posted by Ananbel Konowicz  on  09/19  at  10:52 AM

The Cat in the Hat
Knows a Lot about That
What a perfect show name
From the book of the same
Can’t wait to see what it begat!

Posted by Beth Fried  on  09/19  at  10:53 AM

PBS is very smart,
To choose a cat close to my heart.
Thanks for this very special show
Now I’ll always be in the know!

Posted by Grace Van Ettan  on  09/19  at  10:55 AM

My favorite guys in the new show that’s begun
Are called very simply Thing Two and Thing One.
I know there are kids and a cat and a hat,
But the Things are who I have my eye on.

Posted by Wilma Duffy  on  09/19  at  10:59 AM

The Cat in the Hat
A new show has begat
It’s sure to be phat
He’s such a hepcat!

Posted by Charlene Casey  on  09/19  at  11:00 AM

Just checking in at the end of the weekend. Thanks, folks, for these great rhymes! Winner will be announced soon.
big surprise

Posted by Liz Nealon  on  09/19  at  11:07 AM
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