Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/15 at 02:56 AM


My awesome science word is aircraft.            It is a flying machine that can fly. It can go to space or another kind is used for skydiving.      I think its awesome because it could take you to space or skydiving.
I went skydiving out of a aircraft.       
Ian C. Mrs.Estrada’s 4th grade.

Posted by ian c  on  01/15  at  05:45 AM

my awesome word is galaxy. the galaxy is different plants on stars in one galaxy is a place with stars and planets. I think the word is awesome because their is different stars and planets.  the galaxy is were different planets ziyair.w Mrs.Estradas 4th Grade

Posted by ziyair w.  on  01/15  at  05:52 AM

My awesome word is galaxy. The galaxy is different plants on stars in one galaxy is a place with stars and planets. I think the word is awesome because their is different stars and planets.  The galaxy is where different planets are.
Ziyair.w Mrs.Estradas 4th Grade

Posted by Ziyair  on  01/15  at  05:55 AM

My awesome science word is cammo it helps the animal blend in from there predator.I think it is awesome because it helps the animal. The animal blends in with logs.
My name is Dalton Mrs kellys 3rd grade class

Posted by Dalton  on  01/15  at  06:38 AM

My awesome science is camouflage. It helps the animal hide from the animal trying to eat it. I think it is awesome because it helps animals survive.  The frog used his camouflage to hide from the tiger.
Jackson, Mrs. Kelly’s 3rd grade

Posted by Jackson  on  01/15  at  06:41 AM

Seymour Simon your books are awesome u are the best inspiring author I have ever met!!!! Well I will meet u next week but I can’t wait!!!!😇😇😇😇😋😋😃😃😃

Posted by Kaitlyn  on  01/15  at  01:19 PM

Dear Seymour Simon, I will see u next week at a school well known as Greenfield elementary school.

Your fan, Kaitlyn S.

Posted by Kaitlyn  on  01/15  at  01:22 PM

I entered the contest hope I win no affense America!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Logged Out User  on  01/16  at  11:04 AM

HI Seymour Simon,

                        You came to our school today! It was awesome seeing you. You make non- fiction really fun to read. I have not been reading fiction lately ever since I found out about your books. If i need to learn something on a research now i know who’s books I can go to. I’ve always wanted to grow up to be an author. Well that’s enough for now. =) =) =)=)=)=)

Posted by Isabelle P  on  01/16  at  12:06 PM

you came to our school today!!!!!!  rolleyes  LOL  the paper airplane video was so very entertaining!!!!  raspberry I hope you can come again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin you are such a roll model to me!!!!!! cheese

your biggest fan,
Chloe c.

Posted by chloe c.  on  01/16  at  01:29 PM
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