Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/22 at 01:50 AM


Dear Mr.Simon,
  I really enjoy looking at all of your science and non fiction topics, the book I liked on climate change is the one you wrote on global warming. That helped me a lot on my non fiction project. I also enjoyed other books on animals you wrote about. I think that it is an wonderful idea that you created this blog site, because kids and adults can learn a lot of facts by looking at the information that are posted around here.

Signed, Max
China, Shanghai

Posted by Max  on  02/20  at  01:26 AM

Hi, Max.

Thank you so much for writing and letting me know that you are using my books and my blog.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/20  at  02:19 AM
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