Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07/15 at 04:43 AM


Hi Seymour,

I was wondering if these hurricanes are going to have a more negative impact on the oil spill clean up. I know that it slows down the cleaning process because the crews have to stop working but how will it affect the oil in the water? Can the oil get spread even further with the ocean’s currents or do the ocean’s currents never change?

Alana G
“Science Rules”

P.S and so do you… smile

Posted by Alana G.  on  07/15  at  10:59 AM

HI Alana, Trust you to ask an important and good question!  grin Hurricanes would probably have a negative effect on the oil spill recovery and clean-up efforts. Hurricane winds and the large waves whipped up by the winds would force any work to be shut down for a number of days. If the well cap now in place holds, that might, I mean might, stop further escaping oil, but drilling efforts to cap the well would have to be suspended in the rough weather. Currents and waves do change and hurricane force winds might well drive the oil further ashore into freshwater wetlands. All in all, not a good situation for the environment!


Posted by Seymour Simon  on  07/16  at  05:37 AM
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